Saturday, 22 February 2025

Mother Mary Healing hands!

I love you my dear child, I am an old mother of earth!

You are a healer, but you do not know it!

Place your hands on your own body, and say:

Please Mother Mary give me healing!

And I will give you healing!

My healing is called "healing hands" and while you receive my healing you feel my hands on you, very gently, always!

To be able to receive my healing you call me from your heart´s love and within the realm of love and gratitude the healing can be given!

The author of this message is my mentor on earth, for this kind of healing! Just ask her if you need to know more!

Healing is meant to be for all of you!

But you need to believe in it first!

And number one is always that you believe in yourself!

It is actually a type of rhythm, a vibration! 

My mentor on earth can also send this healing on distance too!

And she, the author of this message have given healing for over two decades via Faith the archangel to many people, animals and land around earth.

So start with yourself! Ask for my healing hands and I will aid you when you feel you need me!

I love you,

Mother Mary

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