Saturday 11 May 2024

Mother Mary A spectator and an exercise! (Note to self :):))

Dear friend, I love you very much and today I will speak about:


If your entire life is a show, then imagine that you sit in the theatre, in the salon, at the closest bench row to the stage and there on the stage you see yourself playing the lead role, but after a while you notice something.

You notice that as playing the lead role in your own life, you observe that you don´t really own it, for so much is going on at the stage, you walk here and you walk there, you talk to different characters, you interact with everyone and everyone else has something to say and to do, and you are a really good listener, you understand others, but you do not really step up for yourself?

And the show goes on. This is your life! It is ok! Of course!

Nothing is wrong! Oh no! 

You are now beginning to think as the director of the show, when you suddenly see yourself from this distance, with this new angle.

Well in fact, you ARE THE DIRECTOR of your own life!

You notice that all the others have different colors, and you don´t really have a specific color of your own? What is going on?

As the director you emmediately find that this must change, now!

Ask yourself the question: where did your colors go?

Ask yourself: why do you hide these true colors of yours?

Ask yourself: did anyone in your life or childhood make you hide your own colors?

This exercise is a good way to find out how you inter-act with your own life.

You wrote about this in one of your channelings many years ago, but now, do this exercise once again. What do you see?

Everyone can do this exercise! Check out your own life!

Be a spectator! Be a director! Be a creator!

((A comment from me as the channeler; and I am getting a reminder here! Always greatful for being able to learn more! ;)) 💓🙏

(This exercise actually comes from my channeled book, written in 2014, with Mary Magdalene, on page 47:

Extracts from the book "Path to Faith" Mary Magdalene says: 

"-I can say this, that after all, your life is a school, a theater school and you are on stage in the spotlight. And you take lesson after lesson in various enriching subjects, to make your acting even better...does that sound weird? 

Surely you think so, even if you think it's outlandish! What does she mean again? Keep calm just calm dear friend. Only you sit in the audience. How about that! And on stage you have all kinds of roles from high to low - from drama to comedy, all combinations.

Which roles do you think you play the most?

When you felt this for a while, you might smile to yourself...! Yes, but that's how it is! I almost always play a role that is this or that! How strange is this, may be the next thought?

Or is it really that weird?

No, you might be thinking now?

Important questions to ask yourself are: Whose theater is it, who owns it? Who is the theater director? And is the theater in a big city or in a small village? Is the theater located in a friendly country? Or in a country where love is not important? That's a lot to digest. Undoubtedly. But the stage is YOURS. The life is YOURS.

The stage is your space. Your life. And yet you can watch yourself all the time from a place where the audience would be sitting.

Dear friend, no matter what comes to you doing this exercise, it is your life, love it!

You are loved and you have always been loved,

no matter what is playing out on your stage in your life.

Dear beautiful friend this is very important: this exercise is not about finding anything "wrong" or something that needs to be "corrected" nor is it because "it is not good enough", but, it is with the deepest, warmest friendly loving, caring gesture, an aid for you to look deeper, to be able to see with clarity, and illuminating the path you walk.

For, your walk is so important, and your shoes are important, for no one else walks in your shoes. The path that you take may feel like a mystery, til one day when you feel that you want to know more, you want to understand your own path on Earth."

So dear friend, I needed to give you a reminder, just as you thought!😀

You wrote about this over 10 years ago! It is time to do this exercise one more time! 

Both Mary Magdalene and me will guide you if you want to do this exercise, just work exclusively from your heart and with compassion for yourself. 

We love you,

Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene

(This is me and the book/channeling with Mary Magdalene!)

Thursday 9 May 2024

Archangel Michael Something important!

I am Michael and I have something that is very important to say!

I really love you!

But. Wasn´t you going to say something very important? You might think now?

Well what can be more important? Than love? I actually don´t know!

There is a lot of talk about ascension here and there, and there is a lot of talk about energies here and there and how you might feel it and how it would influence your daily life and so on.

And there is also scare techniques out there too, you read and you get scared and you get many questions and no one can really answer your questions? Do you recognize this?

You must break free from this! 

Love is the answer! Love is the strongest energy! Love will conquer all negative agendas, I promise you.

Some entities eat negative energies. Like a buffé on a resturant.

Don´t feed them your worries. Or fears. There is no need to for love will win!

The whole consept is to make you scared, and worried, their technique is taking a swing with your emotions, like a detour into a cul-de-sac.

It is true. It is like a war. Between the good and the bad.

But don´t worry. Love will win! Love ALWAYS wins!

The bad want you to stay in the dead-end filled with fears and doubts, so you don´t think there is a way out!

The negative agenda is grabbing you by the balls of fear, keeping you on your toes, so I say once again I LOVE YOU.

Love will conquer all! Trust your heart, follow your beloved dreams!

Whenever you don´t find heartfelt good vibrations, turn around and leave. Don´t accept anything less. You decide!

You carry love within you always, let this beloved energy guide you.

Some say it is a jungle out there, and yes it is, but you have a natural lantern that glows in the dark, and you know it, have faith in yourself and meditate regularly, preferably once every day.

So I say once again, have faith in love, it is the easiest most natural way of living, but it is easy to forget when turmoil of negative energies makes you distressed.

Know that the sun always shines above all the grey clouds.

I love you, I love you, I love you,


Donald Trump Call for extra security?

I am not political. But I don´t like bad things either.

Today I saw a photo of Mr Donald Trump on my computer and I felt that he is in immediate danger.

So I found an internet site, and I sent him an email. But I don´t even know if anyone will read it.

I guess we are all in danger sometimes, it comes and goes for all of us, now and then, and if you are a public person the potential for this increases?

I live in a tiny country in the northern hemisphere and why would anyone care for what I feel?

I just happen to be a clarivoyant medium, a psychic, it is being a type of messenger from other realms/worlds/dimensions and I work via my guides, and one of them is an eagle.

Many years ago I flew with my eagle over a big water and over a big land and I landed on a persons left shoulder.

I saw my claws gripping tightly onto this shoulder. I just sat there, and I got really bored. The person had blond hair.

The person talked and talked and talked. 

And I just got curious and leaned down to really look at the face.

And I just got chocked for it was Mr Donald Trump.

I just wish for peace and love and the way to do this is with friendly talks and a capacity to be able to listen to others. 

And of course putting down all weapons and stop all violence, it is a choice, it is a conscious choice every person have to make individually in their heart and mind.

I light candles and pray for peace and love each day.



Do you have a question to my tarotcards? I work with old wisdom via Goddesses, Angels, old souls of the Universe, use contact form down below!/Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Mother Mary I guide you!

I am old. I have experienced many different things.

And you are also on your own path of learning, and I will not stop you from doing just that: learning!

You have to find your own answers! Your unique answers!

But I am here and I will gladly guide you.

In the heart of the matter it comes down to, what path you actually choose.

Exactly where do you want to take the next step?

In what direction?

Let your sacred heart be your guide and compass!

This path is only one of many paths. 

If you chose this path, I would be so very proud of you!

But know this: it is not always easy to walk this path. You will meet obstacles here. You will meet people that can not stand that you have chosen this path. 

To make the choise to walk with love, with peace, with compassion in your daily life, will give some people a reminder, of something thay have forgotten in their life.

You have to be adamant and fight for your right to walk in this manner.

Your feet, your preacious feet, with your sules and toes carry you.

The land actually transforms under your very footsteps, and this is why your ambition, your free will comes in as something very important.

You are a creator! You resemble God in many ways. What you desire is something you manifest, as the creator you are! 

You can write a list of the ten most important things that you would like to achieve in your life, this is how you can start to manifest your visions, your dreams and turn them into reality.

Ask your sacred heart, how you can create this compassionate life.

And when you ask I will guide you.

The sacred heart communicates through love, faith, hope, compassion, peace.

I love you,

Mother Mary

Monday 15 April 2024

Sinéad.O. Imagine a better world now!

There are so much love in the world, and yet there is also so much torment.

Love is the energy that heals us!

So we have to love ourselves always!

We have to build the bridge of love and never give it up!

Every moment, every breath and every step that you take makes a diffrence!

Every brick in this bridge is up to you! And for each time you put another brick into the bridge there is a great hurray from the heavens.

Every brick that you can build your bridge of love with is a miracle in a world of terror.

Cheerish every tiny brick! Please!

You maybe think that it does not matter? Your bricks? That they are not loving enough or not pretty enough?

I promise you! The bridge that you are building are the most beautiful bridge of love. A sight for sore eyes.

Your bridge is so extremely important! It might be a little wobbly or scarred or whatever, but it is YOUR bridge, with your love that no one else has. Be proud instead! Of you, and your walk on earth!

No one is perfect! I was surely not perfect when I lived on Earth but I could not shut up, I expressed myself, what I felt! And please do so too! Shout it out! What is important to you!

No one is ever perfect in this world. We are mirrors of our lives and we have a choise to use our heart and voice or pen to express ourselves!

If you believe in peace on Earth, speak up!

If you believe in truth revealed and that love will conquer all, start with your own love, your own truth, and speak up and tell how a better world looks like. Let other people see your picture! 

Let all people you know tell their story of how a loving world would be to them! Manifest! Imagine a better world now!

And say a prayer of course for God listens to you always!

Your heart is your telefone to God, never forget that!

I love you


Thursday 11 April 2024

Saint Germain Time to blossom!

I love you, and you don´t even know me.

I am actually not so very well known, but what does it matter?

Is a celebrity more important? Or can an unknown person be the real golden nugget?

Well it is always in the eye of the beholder!

So what do I think is important? 

Love is the most important thing to me! And it is not only a "thing" either, it is everything!

Love is the air I breathe! The very air IS love!

But you can not see the air, nor hold it in your hands, and yet it is there. You feel the air, like a breeze that touches your hair.

The rosegarden brings an air of delightful fragrance that embraces you, wherever you are. Just awaken to the memory of this sacred garden, because you have it inside you, in your etherical heart.

Mother Mary and I walk together with you in this heartfelt garden where the scent of lillies and many other flowers fills the air. 

And you are a beautiful blossom, a soul in Gods garden, and we are many there, creating a flowersymphony together.

Please love yourself, be you, and understand that no one else can replace you, for you are unique, allow yourself to shine in your true colors.

I love you

Saint Germain

Thursday 4 April 2024

Moder Maria; Välkommen till den nya tiden!

Låt andetagen lugna sig.

Låt oron ebba ut.

Låt dina axlar sjunka ned och bli avslappnade.

Blunda gärna. Oroa dig inte.
Oron blockerar kärleken, din egna kärlek!
Du ÄR kärlek.
Du är skapad av kärlek och är en behållare av densamma.
Tänk dig att du är ett mikrokosmos.
Din kropp är geografi som innehåller berg och dalar,
skogar och sjöar. Vattenfall. Gröna ängar. Blommande diken.
Jag älskar Dig.
Vila i min famn.
Jag vaggar dig sakta i mina armar.
Du ligger tryggt mot mitt hjärta.
Vi älskar varandra och våra hjärtan slår i samma takt.
Vi är ett med lugnet och ord behövs inte sägas.
Tystnaden talar. Tystnaden är ett stort rum av kärlek.
Vi tillåter varandra att andas kärlekens andetag.
Det behövs inga förklaringar.
Vi är fullkomligt trygga i kärlekens omfamning.
En dag föds och solen går upp.
Sakta smeks jordens yta av ljusets strålar.
Varje sekund är en ny vinkel i det nya ljuset.
Blommorna har väntat under den mörka natten,
men också vilat i svalkan.
Daggdropparna ligger i de skålade bladen och är det som släcker törsten för många små liv.
Du är älskad och jag välkomnar Dig till den nya tiden!
/Moder Maria

Saturday 30 March 2024

Archangel Michael Your have seven bodies!

I am Michael, and I serve God.

God is the good one. Then there is the bad one.

The second one is the one that makes you fall. 

God is the one that picks you up!

There is negative and there is positive energy.

The ultimate energy is when it is balance between them.

It is the same with feminine and masculine energy, it needs to be balance there too.

If there is no balance, it will be wobbly.

You are citizens of Earth, so you need to be earthed to feel okay.

You have seven different bodies!

You have one physical body, that you can scratch with your hand if you get a mosquito bite.

Then you have, your mental bodies, there is three of them. This is where all your thoughts are, all your feelings are, and where you think.

Then you have your aura. Your aura have three bodies too. 

So what do I want to say about all this? Why do I even bring this up?

Is it important for you to know?

Well yes it is important for you to understand this, not only for one reason, but for several reasons.

You as a human being is extremely complex! 

There is not only an on and off switch that you can pull to either side when it is convenient. 

You are an entire commandcenter of the biggest spaceship you have ever seen. 

You are connected in each layer, each body, to different realms, in a variation of dimensions!

But please, you think, it is confusing to read? 

Well let it sink in for a while! You are filled with atoms, neutrons, electrons, fotons, and water, blood, bones, and a heart!

Actually you have more than one heart too!

You have a heart in your aurabody. This etherical heart is very important! You share this heart! You share this heart with Christ! With Buddah! With God! With Mother Earth. 

This etherical heart has no greed. It belongs to love, and is totally free to fly wherever it wants.

So I need you to understand how many possibilities there is within you! You actually have no limit! Because love has no limit!

Love has no borders! Love is endless and so are you!

The most important thing you can do is: to choose love and you pull the love-switch to YES!

You as a human being have a free choice! Your free will!

Even if your choices seem small in your everyday life, you can still choose love as a path to go and live this way every minute of your life.

When you think you just have a body, and there is nothing to it, nothing special. It is when you don´t even understand what you really are, I have to make it clear to you. This is a part of my job for God.

Awakening to this new state of being, is the old way of living. 

Many millions of years back you knew. You where naturally connected with as you say nature. There where no borders between you and the tree, or you and the water, or you and the horse. This was just normal way of living. 

Now you are coming back to the future, realizing that you are so complex and limitless. How can I describe this?

You are an entire planetarium in a body! But you only see the surface many times and nothing else. You look outside of yourself many times and find everything else but the truth.

Close your eyes, and meditate! Say a prayer! 

When you close your eyes you will see!

With eyes open you will see the setting that the society presents to you, with the wobbly lifestile. 

As the imbalance has been built for thousands of years, the more open you are and the more you are in contact with your etherical heart, the more sad you might become when you see it. 

So dear friend close your eyes for a moment each day, that is my recommendation!

In your etherical heart you know love is the only way to go, you know love will win, and you know everything will be fine, it just takes time. 

I love you,


(I am Kerstin and I am the channeler of this message from  Archangel Michael, if you like my work and want to support me, please buy me a coffee! Have a lovely day! 💓)

Monday 25 March 2024

Maitreya; Be proud of every wrinkle!

Nothing in life is just sweet and pretty. Life is hard many times, life is a mess, a brutal collition between difficult feelings and more.

Life is not only a beautiful smile and only happiness, nor only sunshine and blue skies and where there are no troublesome heartaches.

It is very easy to "buy into the perfect way" of living, as if there would be a perfect life, with only happiness and no famin, no war, no hardships of any kind.

The ideal life, what is that?

The ideal life: is that a life where you never die? The ideal life: is that when you look young even if you are 90 years old?

The perfect life: is that a life where you laugh and have fun all day long?

Well I must say I am sorry to break your magical dream here.

Yes you must have your dreams and your visions of course!

But. The reality is, you are born into this life, and then you leave.

And the time in between, - the arrival and the departure -, that is the time you are here. This is your very life, and it can be short or long.

A perfect surface:

Many of you still search for it. It is becoming very common to do surgery to change the surface of your bodies.

True happiness comes from the inside! 

No matter if your teeth or nose are crocked or no matter how your body looks like, true happiness resides within your heart.

Your body is a micro-cosmos, and a piece of the entire universe because you ARE the universe, a part of it.

There is no separation! 

It is ok for example to do surgery of your nose if you can not breathe through it! And the same goes for the entire body, if you really need help to make it function well! I don´t say anything! 

And you might say it is a choice! And yes, it is!

If you have a bottom, that you think is to small and you want a really big bottom, then you can have it? Just doing the surgery? Oh yes, but God don´t think it is necessary! God thinks your bottom is okay as it is!

It is God that is the creator! You are an image of God. 

God says; 

What is it that you really are searching for? Changing your bodies can actually be a sorrow in disguise!

It starts with make-up! Showing less and less of yourself, and who you really are? Showing a face that is not yours entirelly?

Please just be you, exactly as you are, I love you as you are and you don´t need to change to please me, says God! 

But if you are sad, be sad! Don´t hide it! 

If you feel sorrow, feel it! Don´t hide your feelings! Don´t hide yourself! Hiding behind a perfect make-up...and not allowing your true feelings to surface? Please take your feelings seriously, because I do! I listen to what you feel, and what you want to express, for I love you!

Some makes money on this, and many times there are painful experiments on animals in laboratories, for cosmetics and more.

What wibe does this give? Pain and assault of animals to look different?

In a culture where hiding your feelings and how you truly look is custom, please be proud of every wrinkle and of every tear you sheed.

Make-up has been worn by many for thousands of years, both females and males used it! And this need to change, this need to appear different, started a long time ago. 

I see directly into your heart and for me all this change, is not necessary, but if you think it is important, it is your choice!

Taking a bath. Combing your hair. Brushing your teath. Putting on clean and whole clothes, that you feel is comfortable, this is a positive platform to begin from.

Feeling beautiful comes from being at peace within, in your heart!

Daily healing rituals, lovely morning rutines, is something I gladly teach you if you are interested, just let me know!

I love you, beautiful as you are,


Thursday 14 March 2024

The Sylphs We fly with you!

We are a community, we are a realm that are connected throughout the Universe.

We are winged and air is our element.

But of course all elements are equally important to us.

Air is our first natural element, but we have to get to know, understand totally about all the others as well, so we get the correct balance.

It is the same for you, my dear friend!

You are of the element of Earth! And air is vital to you, as well as water! And yes fire is vital to you also!

"You have to ground yourself to be connected"! Have you heard this before? I guess so!

Being grounded is Alfa and Omega for you! Being grounded is actually a basic thing for you! It is necessary for you to feel alright!

Do your grounding apart from modern technology, as for instance, especially that technology that is wireless. Step away from it when you do such an important thing as grounding.

The more "un-plugged" you are, and the less of wireless technique surrounding you, the better!

Stay away from the screen! Un-plug the router! Turn off these kind of device. And breathe! Breathe your lovebreaths and get in touch with us!

Modern technology makes it harder for you to be properly grounded!

Being grounded is your way to staying connected with us!

When you are adamant, and thorough in your everyday routines to really ground yourself, you open a door to higher realms and states of being.

We could make a long list of negatives when it comes to wireless technology, but you already quess this or know about it.

So work on this, taking it down to a minimal! And open the space for yourself! Get out and make real friends! Begin where you live in your own neighborhood! Brake the spell of the screentime that you have in front of your face daily.

Meet new friends face to face instead, and why? This is real life! Meeting friends on screen, is something else, don´t you agree?

When you put yourself first, and your wellbeing as a soul here on Earth, then you really understand the meaning of fifth dimension life.

We can contact you from the fifth dimension, but you have to work on it! Once there you will fly with us and we will show you many things.

We love you,

The Sylphs

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Archangel Michael A new track, the Era of Love!

I am Michael and I am here to talk about the new track!

No matter how much I love you, this is very important for you to understand!

This new track is up to you!

This track is there, laying before your feet - but - only if you choose to validate it, to recognize it!

And what is it all about? Really? Has it not been there before, you might ask yourself?


It is like a birth of a new era! A new deposit of time!

This new time is not only a timeline, no, it is much more!

This new time is a new world, a new universe if you like!

A timeline can be more narrow!

And how does this work? What does it mean?

The acceleration of the universe that you already live in has gained momentum and have actually reached a new world, this new time, and it is very unusual, but yet we have known about it for a long while.

This is a present for you! And how do you feel it, and how can you understand this? Very important questions!

Well firstly this new world is corresponding to love and patience and gratitude!

Yes when I say this I actually mean that it can feel you! And then it lets you join! You see, it is alive! This new time is a living being and it feels you and your intentions!

You can not interact with this energy, if you are even the slightest gready or needy for something that is not pure love!

My recommendations for you is to meditate on being, existing, here and now, and accepting oneness with Universea, the great universal Motherhood.

Every plant, every animal on Earth is already connected! 

If you search peace, you will find peace!

If you search for good things you will always find it! 

But now you will find that it is all within you, you already have it!

You are soo close!

Just BE and breathe love and as I said meditate on; I AM! WE ARE ONE!

Your serentity within will join the serentity of the new era and you will be warmly welcomed, because your are awaited my dear friend!

You do not have to search high and low for this, you have already done the hard work, now you just have to realize that you are already there!

You are here right where you are, and by loving yourself unconditionally, and letting go of the old, you can feel the unity of this new era of love!

We love you very much and we anticipate to embrace you heart to heart!



Tuesday 27 February 2024

Blessings to you!

I took this picture on a walk by Storsjon the other day! The sun is returning bit by bit every day! I love it!

I have been writing on this blog for 10 years now and there is up to 700 letters now!

A little news from me;

I am thinking of making it in to a faith-book - what do you think of it? 

Another news: For the past weeks a goddess have been reaching out to me, and now I am writing her words with my pen, it is very exciting! Will not reveal who it is though, not yet.

I have recently learned a new form of distancehealing! I now work with the Plant Kingdom and my new healing is good for whoever needs to be more grounded! My first distancehealing I learned was with archangel Metatron, and is more physical. 

Available workshops: 

*Workshop with Mary Magdalene in combination with her book, that I channeled. Heartguidance from Mary Magdalene directly to you!

*Workshop with Goddesses. A 12 month workshop on distance from wherever you are, with a personal reading each month and more.

Please let me know if you are interested, use the contact form down below! 💜

Once I sent distancehealing a cross the planet all the way to USA (and I live in Sweden), and it worked fine!

I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to those of you who has funded me, in my time of great need. THANK YOU! You are true angels of Earth! 💓

Have a beautiful day!



Sunday 18 February 2024

The Elves; Together if you like!

We are the Elves and we love you.

We are very old. We have lived on Earth from the beginning of time.

We feel you, and understand your feelings, and we have done almost exactly the same, but it was a long time ago.

We have lived and learned over time and matured, and so will you do too.

Mother Earth is to us, everything! She means the beginning and the end for us. And yet, as we see it, there is no end to love!

If you want a serious advice from us, walk the love road with us!

This road never ends! We know about what you are going through on your path here on Earth and we know about the ups and downs!

You are inside your own learning path, and you are growing!

Sometimes you do not see that you actually grow, as you learn more!

But you do!

You think it hurts to much, and therefore you assume that in this "not so beautiful" way of existing, you come to the conclusion that you do not evolve as you should?

All the hard times are lessons, and you are passing through them! It might seem cruel? That we mention this? But it is fundamental!

You learn from walking on a road that is not smooth.

The hardships awakens you, and you get in contact with your soul.

And at the same time you are always loved! But you forget about it in the darkest hour.

Your soul is eternal and lives in your body, right here and now! 

Your process of awakening to your soul is going as planned!

The awakening elevates your perception of all that is around you!

And this is also a lesson. To get to know yourself with open eyes. Getting to know yourself as a soul, takes time too. And we back you up if you need and if you want us to!

Remember that you are always loved!

/The Elves

Sunday 11 February 2024

Mother Mary No longer a mystery!

I am a Mother and my name is Mary. I am. And you are!

You might be a mother too, or a father or a sister or brother?

But first you are! And around your body there is your aura!

There is no longer a mystery, how it all is woven together.

In your aura you have all information! For a trained eye there is your identity aura, that no one else has. And yes there are different layers of auras. There are different kinds and they all tell different information about you.

All of your layers of auras is dependent on your chakras! And number one of them all is your body, your physical body in whole, and it actually comes down to: your breathing!

So your breathing is so important!

Why do I bring this up?

What do you think?

Some of this you already know of course!

You own your breaths!

Why do I say this?

You think "now she must have gone nuts"?

Please cherish yourself! Please take good care of yourself!

What you do is important, for only you can do exactly what you do!

You are unique! And you leave unique footprints all around you!

Do you feel unique? Do you understand that you matter increadibly much?

Be proud of who you are! Love your breaths, every single one of them! 

Please stand up straight and be thankful for yourself, for you have come a long way to do what you do.

When you love each breath you take, you give love a chance!

Air and ether feels your intention directly and gives you love back in an instant! What you pay forward, comes back to you!

You are a light in the dark, but you do not see your own ligth, but we see your light and it is very beautiful.

In your aura you hold all of your knowledge about your animal guides, plant guides and more. 

By breathing with love, and with gratitude you can soon learn more about your friendly guides. Your aura and its layers are like a bank of information and vaste knowledge from throughout the universes.

Why is it so important to love ones breaths?

It is so very important to love your very existance and by doing so your confirm all that is you, you come to life! And your aura glows in its full light when you do this.

When you love your breaths you say: I acknowledge the air, and the ether and I say: I love you too, and right now I want to blossom out into the most beautiful flower together with my angel, my holy spirit.

Loving your breaths is a merger; it is a merry meeting!

We sing haleluja with the greatest joy and gratitude when we meet you in the holy garden of light, your light.

I love you

Mother Mary

Saturday 27 January 2024

Mother Mary The Love Vision!

 I am Mother Mary and I guarantee I love you!

To have a clear vision of love, is essential!

To feel love within your sacred heart is the very foundation to your life on Earth today.

This is not always an easy thing to do.

Because it has to do with all of you!

It is not something you can do once a week while you visit a church, or a monastery or something similar.

It has to do with every breath you take!

Love lives within you!

You are the very vessel of love!

You contain love, but you have to do the connection on your own.

The connection is to the etherical realm and you turn on the switch yourself.

So you just have to love every breath you take!

It is as simple as that!

When you love every breath, something happens!

You bring forth life, from Gods perspective! God works in all of the elements but you notice it most when you pay attention, to the air.

Air fills your lungs. Air and the etheric realm are very close. 

Some say the fish in the ocean do not know about what water is? And why? Is it too close?

It is the same with human beings. Negligence it is!  Don’t you think?

To avoid what is closest? The air, the breathing that keeps you alive?

Well do not worry! 

I love you even more now! 

For once I was there myself! I am no better than you! Everything is a learning process and every step matters don’t you think?

But please! Love your breaths! It is highly important! 

For your sacred heart comes alive when you do so!

Life on Earth is many times a struggle and there are hardships you have to go through so why not take the hand from God, that is reached out to you?

You sense God easier when you talk through your golden heart, your sacred heart.

The connection with God appears when you love and cherish good intentions like loving the air, your breathing.

This is an activation of holy light!

Spirit, is the breathing! The holy spirit is the holy breathing!

And it is free, it does not cost a penny! In fact is is your right, your birthright. Breathing the holy breaths is also actually your obligation towards yourself, and your true faith in the pure highest love.

This is not about big business. This is free information and how you can access the higher realms. True love is free and needs no other guru than yourself.

I love you,

Mother Mary

Ps. Do not forget about this channel I use. She works for free since more than 20 years, and since 10 years on this blog. Please treat her with alimony! If you read this blog and like the messages from the etherical realms please pass it on and fund my channeler with for example ”buy me a coffee”.💗💗 Soon my new book will come out on my channels account on Patreon. A new chapter each week. Just so you know! You are blessed! I love you/Mary.

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Archangel Michael All the colors of life!

I am Michael and I serve God.

I protect. I hold. I shield.

And I believe in you!

No matter what you go through in your life, I am closer to you than you can imagine.

You have a soul, and so you also have a soul purpose on Earth. 

One purpose that all souls have in common is to awaken to the realm of Mother Earth.

Even though there are different kinds of souls, that comes from 333 soul-trees, with a multitude of different purposes, no one can escape the fact that Mother Earth is a living being with a soul of her own.

Begin with your grounding! And in this way you will get a better contact!

Walking in nature. Walking barefoot in the summer. Breathing fresh air. Loving each breath that you take.

Because loving each breath means that you love yourself, and it means that you love the element of air, and also ether.

Doing this, makes you understand Earth more. 

There are many ways to earth yourself, find the way that you love.

Mother Earth has waited for eons of time to re-connect with you. 

Having no contact with Mother Earth is like living in a life without all the colors. You only have some, not all colors of life. The connection with her is vital!

Reach out to my channel and you can get more advice and I of course work through her.

I love you,


Mother Mary Flowers of peace!

Dear child of Earth I love you!

I am Mother Mary, but I am not only a mother, I am a sister too and most of all I am someone that knows you well.

There are labyrinths, and there are quizzes and there are a lot of unanswered questions.

There are myths that many search for the answers too. And many find themselves being a researcher.

But no matter of how many unanswered questions you might have, one thing is sure!

Love is sure! Love IS!

Do you rely on love? Do you believe in the power of love?

You have heard the expression - love conquers all?

And this is true, because love will conquer all!

Love will bring peace! Love will dispel all clouds and answer all questions for you!

But! Right now there is something you can do! You can have faith in love!

At this very moment you can have faith in that love will overcome all obstacles.

On a cloudy day all you see is a grey sky, but above the clouds there is always a shining sun and a blue sky!

What you see is not always what is going on, or I can say; you can not see all that is going on, you only see a little part of it all.

Attempts are being made to keep you seeing nothing but grey, dark skies. And make you forget about what is over the clouds.

Those that thrive on negative energies want to keep you in the dark, with feelings of distrust.

It is a battle! Between the good and the bad. 

But, you see, the good has already won!

What you see now is the last part, the tail, of the dark reign. And their last attempt to keep the power is, to show you only dark events, to make you loose your faith in the good, and in the healing power of love.

So your mission my beloved friend is to hold on to your faith in love, and to realize that your deepest core of beautiful hope is something you must defend. 

You have to be your own guardian of your heart!

I and God, and all the archangels defend you already, of course, and this you know! 

Trust your gut feeling, your heart feeling and the signs your body gives you, your body is the temple of your soul and it is highly intelligent.

Attempts are being made to make you feel small or insignificant, the goal is for you to let go of your faith in the good and in love.

Jesus lives within your sacred heart! 

Jesus second coming is already here, right now, within you and your heart! Within your sacred heart you have a blossoming beautiful garden where you can walk and talk with Jesus whenever you want and need to.

What flowers do you love and what colors do they have? 

You can envision them if you like when you meditate or say your prayer! Anyway they live in your sacred heart and you can embrace them as your flowers of peace!

I love you,

Mother Mary

Welcome to my blog! I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channel of this message from Mother Mary. Please follow my blog on the button ”Följ” which means Follow. Feel free to Buy me a coffee if you like my blog, all contributions are very welcome, as I work for free. Have a wonderful day/Kerstin

Tuesday 16 January 2024

The Cetaceans One goal!

We are the Cetaceans! We live in the oceans. 

We know you! We can feel you!

Even though you live on the land, you still need to drink water.

Water connects us! The water you drink is the same water as we swim in, live in.

Water moves. Water rises as clouds, mist and moves away to the high mountains and falls down as rain, and turn into a river that moves towards the sea, over and over again.

I am Kaskelot and I leave footprints!

Yes I really do!

My movements in water makes the water thrive! The water comes to life!

Water needs movement or it will die. But it needs the natural movements, not from oil-drilling, or other engines of other kinds.

One of the smaller beings in the ocean, like the Krill, makes another kind of movement, but is just as important.

Every being makes their own movements and leaves their particular unique footprints, and the water is being massaged into health and joy.

You too, leave your own unique footprints! And yes you actually have feet, so, then you must know how important you are?

But the saddest thing about human beings is that you actually don’t know how important you are!

You have no clue!

Mother Earth knows you, loves you, and feels your emotions. She knows about every step you take.

But most important she feels your footprints as totally unique for you.

Mother Earth is a great soul, and the greatest of creators. And she connects with your soul and your soul have an aura-image, that is reflected in the soles of your feet. 

No one can replace you! You are your own!

Water needs us, we move in water, we make water stay alive with our movements.

The land needs you, the land needs your feet and you walk upon it. 

Every animal on the land, has different kinds of feet, small, big, few feet, many feet...and they all are so important. They give the ground the exact kind of massage or acupressure that the ground needs to feel good, to live.

Mother Earth has pressure points! Just like you have! 

There are no coincidence! All our movements are important and we are where we are to make Earth thrive.

Have faith in yourself always,

we love you


Wednesday 3 January 2024

Noah; My ark.

I love you, I am Noah, and I am very old.

Things need to be told!

You might have heard many stories about me?

About the boat, the animals and so on?

Some of it is actually true!

But it had to do with something specific, about what becomes the very bottom line, when you really have to make an important choise in your life.

Lets say; When you only have 10 minutes to pack your bag, what will you bring with you?

And you start thinking of items, clothes, money? 

But I think the most important thing is; who do you bring with you?

To reach higher grounds when the rain falls for weeks is of great importance!

The ice melted! That made the water rise, taking away the ground. And then the rain. Making it hard to plant seeds, to harvest later on.

So nothing or close to nothing to eat, you have to make an important decision, to find new safe ground to live on. A new habitat for your beloved family and friends.

The wind helped us. We got wind in our sailes. But it was not an easy journey.

Some did not make it, but most did. And we had more than 10 minutes to make the decisions.

We had meetings about the journey. We planned. We built the boat. And the closer to the day of departure, we stood united. 

Bringing only the important items, and food, water to drink, and of course our dear families. And our animals too.

We knew the boat couldn´t take to much weight.

We had to go ashore with many things and leave them to make the boat lighter.

The whole adventure was leaving the known to set sails for the unknown?

Well it actually was what I and my wife did and all the other families too.

And the most important thing that we actually packed with us was?

Our faith!

We had so much faith, that it created a miracle!

We did find new ground to live on! Where it did not rain and rain.

I am not saying it was all just easy, oh no.

But God guided us, always!

So why, how come faith is so very important?

What do you think?

In your modern language you would say; "-you are plugged in"?

Even though faith is wireless, you still understand me?

Having faith and hope too, means that you have left the door open to God and all good opportunities there are and even more!

So the most important thing to pack or to bring with you apart from your family, is your faith you carry in your heart. 

Your faith is so strong for your heart need not see to believe. 

Your heart is blindfolded and have full faith in mercy and that good things happen to those that set out into the unknown and still mean well.

To trust the guidance of God makes all the difference.

We created a new life, we created a new world and new generations saw the rising sun in the horizon.

We have deep faith in humanity, that is our descendants, just never forget your own faith because it will lift you up like invisible wings when you least expect it. 

Ask me anytime if you have any trouble in finding your own faith, I will guide you together with Faith and God, because they are my best friends!

I love you,
