Friday, 27 December 2024

Mother Mary Know that you glow in the dark!

I am a Mother, and I am very old. I have given birth to many children, and I love them all! 

I have given them nourishment from my breasts all the time, it is a constant flow.

But living is not all about just eating to grow and stay alive.

Living is about knowing who you really are!

Now when I am living in higher dimension and see you all, and feel you all, I can say that I would gladly give you the nourishment that you need, if you like.

It is food for thought to realize that you are a glowing light!

In the dark you actually glow! You glow in your unique colors that no one else has but you!

And I recognize your colors as well! For I have seen them a long time ago!

You see, you are not novelty, you are old, and your colors are your souls emblem, it is your aura that is revealing your identity for me.

You all have an unique aura, your identity aura! And it is a true marvel to behold.

Sometimes you forget about who you are!

You are an universal soul on a visit to live on Earth and to spread your colors of light and love! 

But you live in the dark! For the very life on Earth is in the darkness of the fears of minds and closed hearts.

And sometimes you forget who you are!

You forget sometimes that you have beautiful colors that are totally unique for you!

For you are submerged in the dark pit of the fears that the collective mind of humans and also animals feel and amnesia is very common, so you forget time after time who you truly are!

But if you like and need I will say to you: 

I love you with all of my heart! 

And I will hold you in my arms if you will! 

I will hold you close to my heart, and when you are calm and at peace you will feel that our hearts beats in the same pace.

I want to say to you, that I love you, for who you are, and I know all the uniqness of you, and I will encourage you to stand up for all that you love in your heart! 

You are a fighter for love and peace and you care a great deal about the wellbeing of Mother Earth and all living souls.

You usually give a lot more that you receive and many take you for granted. Sometimes you feel that you are a floormat to some people and you just take it, and you don´t say no?

So speak up! Say no if you don´t like it!

You are a love being, but you don´t have to pretend to like something that you feel in your heart is totally wrong.

You can just say no! 

Or just leave those people that treat you wrong. And you don´t even have to give an explanation. 

For sometimes your brain tries to explain why you don´t like something and you get entangled in you mind for you don´t find an answer to why? 

Sometimes you try to get a logical answer? "You shouldn´t feel this or that?" 

But if you ask your heart instead you WILL find your answer! And the answer is your feeling!

You see, you brain tries to prove, everything, and if you don´t find a legit answer you think you are wrong!?

But your heart have the answer all along!

Your heart makes you feel, it is a true relief to leave the room with the people that are not nice to you. And you don´t have to find any evidence anywhere for you opinion, just leave the room!

No proof is necessary, just your confirming feeling, inside your heart, and in your tummy.

Do you understand me?

Your heart is a realm! And the heart has no eyes! 

The heart weighs what you feel and from your universal source you feel the answer deep inside of your heart.

When you follow your heart, you shine even brighter in all of your beautiful colors!

The more you try to fit in to the three dimensional life, and not really standing up for yourself, and what you really feel is true deep in your heart, the less your colors shine!

The third dimension is the old way of living, that you lived in decades ago. But now you have one leg in the fifth dimension, and your connection will work better if you let go of the old and stand up for what you feel in your heart, because that is the TRUE YOU!

So my dear beautiful friend you are welcome to glow in your brightest light and beautiful colors, but til then, I love you just as you are and I love you forever for I know you will make it!

I love you,

Mother Mary

(Hallo dear friend, I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message from Mother Mary. If you like my writing and want more letters and also personal notes from my mediumship you can follow me on Patreon!)

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