Thursday 29 December 2022

Mary Magdalene You are a miracle!

My beloved you are a miracle!

No matter who you meet, don´t you ever look down on yourself!

And why do I speak about this tonight?

Some of you feel that you are falling "off the radar" and that you are invisible, and that no one seem to take notice of you, no matter what you do?

And you feel un-invited, and on the outside of where " the real thing" is going on?

Well let me tell you: It is you who are the real deal! You don´t profit on anyone. You aid who ever needs it without questions or making a buck out of it.

You use your empatic heart always, and you want everyone to feel good about themselves at all times. But this does not make you popular! And why?

The show must go on, til it is over, for The Play of the Egoes.

It is you who must understand that you are truly a miracle in an egocentric world.

You don´t need a diploma or a grade, or a glittering tiara and a fancy dress to really know yourself and what you are all about, oh no. 

You understand your value because you see the love, and foremost you feel the love that flows to you, from your acts of unselfishness.

The beauty within you glows even in the darkness and so I say please know that you are a miracle in the world that you live in.

In the world that you live in, still big egos thrive in different ways. 

Sometime you wonder what love really is?

Love is always unselfish and if someone deserves a wonderful treat it is you!

So I say have faith in yourself, know that you are a true miracle and know that everything will be just need to be patient.

I see you, I feel you in my heart always and we stand very close to each other always.

I love you

Mary Magdalene

Tuesday 27 December 2022

Archangel Michael I love you.

I am Michael and do you know what I do?

I follow you! I am near you always.

Some of you say that archangels are never really close to souls on Earth but that is really wrong, because we are.

We represent a piece of a cake to say it in a simple way. And there are other pieces too, that other presences fills up.

Your spiritual connections can be described as a cake, with many pieces.

The etherical presense for a human soul is complex. Yes it is. There are also layers in the cake. Not only pieces.

What matters is what I do, don´t you think?

What I choose to do with my piece of your cake, that is a little part of you, is higly essential.

My piece has everything to do with love and protection to do. It has to do with gratitude. It has to do with peace from the heart.

The piece that I represent, does not compete, or fight. My piece of your spiritual connections is always friendly and warmhearted.

Sometimes you are confused about "what are my connections with the ehterical realms really"?

It is easy to be confused! And sometimes even feel disoriented?

Maybe you should hear me out!?

Your heart is the transmitter and receiver to the messages and feelings from me, always. So when you have an etherical connection ask your heart:

Is this a friendly connection? Does if feel loving and caring? 

A good friend would never do anything bad to you. Or say anything negative to you.

I am a good friend to you if you like. And it is like a walkie-talkie!

Do you know how a walkie-talkie works?

It is a little communication machine and everything on it is based on different channels.

I always use the love channel. And on your communication device, there is only one love channel. And there are many other channels too.

If you are in contact with entities that call themselves your guide: 

Make sure they are nice to you. Make sure they treat you like a good friend, always. And if you have any question here, please ask me whenever you like. You can always reach me on the love channel, I am here waiting for you.

Some of you struggle with "guides" that are not nice to you?

Is is all about respect. 

Would you welcome a bully into your own home? Then do not accept a "guide" that is not nice to you. 

This is a learning process. And you do not meet anything that you can not handle.

Everyone goes through this process. 

Because you need to learn to put down your feet, and say no, when there is something you do not feel comes from the source of love and truehearted friendship.

I am actually next to you, when you handle these entities that treat you bad. I am waiting for you to say: NEVER MORE. STOP. GO AWAY.

If you yourself treat anyone that you meet with respect and care, then you should want to be treated in the same way yourself? 

No matter if it is etherical beings or human beings. 

Just remember that you ARE protected all the time. 

Even if you wonder where I am at times. I am steering you into the realm of self-guidance and self-respect. It is of highest necessity that you only answer to yourself, conveying yourself to be your own boss at all times. 

I am not your boss. God is not your boss. 

You are a part of God, you are a part of me. And we want you to be strong, and independent.

If you so desire that the world will be a better place to live in, it always starts with yourself. 

You believe in love and you meet and embrace people in this energy. But you need to learn to say no in a gentle way to not nice beings as for instance "guides", please do not accept anything else than tender love and care, because that is what life is all about? And it all starts with you, it all starts within you.

You learn everyday, and I am always a piece of your life, and God and I need you to be strong and knowing that you worked yourself through whatever you encountered in your life. 

Do not be afraid to say no, if you meet anyone, or anything that does not operate with the sense of good friendship, gratefulness, loving care, just say no, and ignore thereafter.

I will pick these entities up as soon as you say: never more, stop, go away. And then I take them to heaven. To a healing facilitiy that will change these beings into a good and positive mindset.

Yes all comes to heaven eventually. When you say no, go away, you do not kill, nor do you maime the entity. You use your right to say no to negative behaviors. This is your birthright as a Lightworker. 

A Lightworker brings love and empathy into this world. And sends away sad and negative beings with me, Michael, so they can be healed.

You are okay, you are actually made of love. So do not accept anything else but love.

I love you,

Archangel Michael

(Hallo dear friend! 💓I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message with Archangel Michael. Feel free to share my message if you also state: No 1: that I am the source! No 2: plus with a working link back in to my blog. 💚Thank you dear friend!💜 Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you!  If you like my writing and want to support me, feel free to buy me a coffee, it would make me very glad to get some help!😀💓 I started this blog over 10 years ago and I work for free. I have been a single mother of three children and also disabled for many years. Have a beautiful day! 

Sunday 18 December 2022

Ur min bok: Gudinnan Sofia Jag känner alla kvinnor!

Ur min bok Gudinnornas Visdomsord, kort nummer 12,

Gudinnan Sofia:

"Jag känner alla kvinnor!

Vet du vem jag är?

Kanske inte? Det är okay ändå. Jag är gammal och jag känner Dig.

Jag är en del av jorden, din Moder Jord och jag känner alla kvinnor, flickor och även den feminina energin.

Och så känner jag även männen och pojkarna också.

Och hur kommer det sig tror du?

Den feminina energin finns även inom män och pojkar också. 

Den feminina energin är en rund, kärleksfull och omhändertagande energi, det är en rörelse.

Den feminina energin inkluderar alltid och omfamnar och dess essens är enhet.

Kan du känna det? 

Och i vilket fall, så känner jag Dig och jag älskar Dig, och Du är inkluderad alltid, kära vän, vet det!

Jag älskar dig,


Ur min bok Gudinnornas Visdomsord från Specta-Art Förlag

länk till förlaget:

Gudinnornas Visdomsord – 58 gudinnors ord till dig, Eriksson - Spektra-Art Förlag

Friday 16 December 2022

Archangel Uriel School of Life.

I am Uriel and I am very old, and I am an archangel.

The more you give, the more you will receive!

The more you use your love, the more love you will receive.

This is just a little part of the School of Life and what is it all about?

You are here on Earth, reading this message just now and this is also a part of the school of life because everything in your life is.

But you have a choice! You can make a decision to use your holy tools that you have carried with you always. 

And what are these tools?

Your tools are extensions of you, that also tells everyone, including yourself  firstly, who you truly are.

Like for instance: If you are a fan of love and peace, then you alos have tools with these energies, that you can use - but only if you know about them of course, and when you know about them, it is your free will to do so!

So the tools lifts forth your own true personality, and your honest ambitions.

So that means that when you choose to acknowledge your highest purpose of your soul, and using your tools you actually do not have to seek anymore. 

Some of you are searchers. You seek for yourselves and still all the answers you need is within your own heart. The answers is within your awakening DNA.

You are like a flower about to bloom. And I see many flowers all around me on Earth and you are so beautiful, even though you have not bloomed yet.

I always see your colors that is highly unique for you, as you are an ambassador from "space". I mean that you have an ancestral inheritage that you bring with you, from where you are born as a soul. 

There are som many places and inheritances that all work for love and peace, and for faith, hope, harmony, healing, mercy, balance, goodness, gratefullness, and more positive good energies. 

And you have an unique combination of course! You have a mix of these energies, that ARE your tools! 

So ask your heart, ask yourself and your soul will show you the way!

I love you,


(Hallo dear friend! 💓I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message with Archangel Uriel. Feel free to share my message if you also state: No 1: that I am the source! No 2: plus with a working link back in to my blog.  Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you!  If you like my writing and want to support me, feel free to buy me a coffee, it would make me very glad to get some help!😀💓 I started this blog over 10 years ago and I work for free. I have been a single mother of three children and also disabled for many years. Have a beautiful day! 

Sunday 11 December 2022

Jesus: Defining yourself!

Some say who is he, really? What did he really do? 

Did he really do what is written in an old book? 

The book is important, I do not say anything else, but...!

There are things left out.

Important matters.

I wept, when a friend died.

I lost my heart to a girl and I married her.

She was my wife.

And we had our ups and downs as everyone have.

I walked on Earth just as you do now.

I listened to Mother Earth and learned about the secrets of the trees.

I watched the moon and how it walked across the sky at night and it fascinated me. 

I loved to watch the sunrise each morning, a time for me to say my first prayer for the day.

I could understand that everything in nature is connected and that I as a human being was just a little part of it.

I loved to work with wood and the material spoke to me, and it let me pick just the right piece to work with.

I was angry over injustices against those without a voice of their own.

Kindness, mercy, faith and peace are important to me, it is real energies that lives, that breathes, and they are actually real realms! 

I realized that I could choose them, to be guided by them and let them be my best friends. And to have them as my friends, my very best friends, was so important to me. They meant everything to me!

So I did this a long time ago, and I still do! More energies are now today my best friends, and it is my choice, my hearts choice.

We actually have a free will! 

You have a free will! 

What is important to you?

Ask yourself what energies are important to you!

And why should you do that?

Because your soul needs you to make a choice!

And why?

By choosing what energies are important to you, 

you define yourself!

You become clearer! And you can more easily find what you are meant to do with your life here on Earth.

Faith always works together with hope, and with love, it is a holy trinity and also a living being, a realm too!

By following my heart, I found a deep heartwarming joy that showed me that I was on the right track in my life. 

And the people I met felt my commitment. And when they asked me questions, I always listened to them and then I said: 

You can find your own joy in your heart! Ask yourself: 

What is important to you? What do you love? 

I said to the people I met: I am no master, I have simply found what I love and I let that be my altar in my life, and I believe that so can you do too!

I always want everyone to find themselves, what each and everyone loves. 

I do not have a magic tool, or magic hands, not more than you do. 

I just believe. Yes I believe always. And that may be the difference?

I always believe in the healing properties of faith, hope and love.

And I am so grateful for all the wonders that is given to me as I see and feel the healing actually work time after time, just because I believe. 

I say prayers many times a day. 

So I trust in you to love yourself. 

And I trust in you to understand that your own faith in what is most important to you, that is how you create your own path of love here on this planet Earth. 

On my altar I always have candles lit for you all day and all night.

You already walk with me and we are good friends, but your soul needs you to awaken to one more step, the defining one, so you become who you truly are!

I love you,


(I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channel of this message from Jesus. I started writing letters from old souls 2012 and If you like you can please follow my blog Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you! or if you like to support my writing you can buy me a coffee and I would be so grateful! 


Saturday 10 December 2022


 I am Amidah and I am a spirit, I am a soul.

You embody me by saying the prayer, the holy words of grace.

And there is more, not only a body, as your pilar of truth is your spine as you stand up and say your prayer, it becomes more heartfelt, as you have your feet in the ground.

When you stand up, you have your feet on the ground, that means that you are more easily connected, grounded, and therefore you get more contact up or more accurately more contact with the etherical realms as heaven where God lives.

When you stand up your spine is erect and therefore you also breath better and when you fill your lungs with air it connects to your erect spine.

Your spine is your pillar of truth, your spine is like your own personal obelisk of love and truth.

Do not forget to also love your precious feet as they carry the very weight of you, and they move you around.

If I could I would help you with your feet, give them a gentle bath with rose petals and give them what they deserves. They are your contact with earth, your soles in the ground so love them and thank them!

I love you


Borrowed picture from friend.

Thursday 8 December 2022

Archangel Gabriel Put your doubts aside!

My dear beloved friend, I am Gabriel, and I love you.

Imagine that love reigns all around your planet. Feel in your heart that your heart is your compass and know that you always have me by your side.

There are no distance to love. You are complete. You are it, because you are love! You do not have to search, high and low for love or turn yourself outside and in to find it.

You already have it, you have love, as you are love.

Put your doubts aside, now, in this heartbeat.

In the name of love we are one.

In the name of love there are no distance, nothing to overcome.

You are already there, you have already made it.

And we are all here for you. Not only me. Jesus Sananda, Faith, Hope, Love, Buddah, Quan Yin, more Goddessess and the kingdoms of your world, as Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom and the Mineral Kingdom and more as the Elfves, The Gigants, The Leprechauns, The Trolls and many more.

Feel your hearts joy, and know that you are one with us, and we always communicate with love through your heart.

Your heart is your sender and receiver when it comes to communication with us, so put your doubts aside and be you, be love!

I love you

Archangel Gabriel

(I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message from Archangel Gabriel, feel free to share my text if you also share it with a working link back in here to my blog. Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you! I am a spiritual consultant that use Tarotcards and I give distance healing with archangel Metatron if you are interested. If you like this blog please feel free to buy me a coffee! :) 

Have a beautiful day! 



My private pictures!

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Archangel Uriel I love you!

I am Uriel and I have something important to say. 

You are indeed a light being from the Universe and you have been born into Earth to spread you light here.

It might seem tricky at first. For you start with searching for answers to many things. You find that there are gaps in your knowledge that are like missing pieces in a puzzle. And all you try to do is to see the full picture.

You try to grasp and understand, "why me" "why am I here" "what can I really accomplish on Earth", as you at the same time feel like a bit unfocused?

So where is the focus that you truly need? Where is the goal that you need to have in your life at a daily basis?

Well, you are not alone! There is a big "playground" with several players. Like a soccer field it is! And there are two teams playing constantly. And you are in the good team, and the other team is the bad team.

But you never see them. You hardly know they are there. You do not understand that you are in the middle of a serious game, almost a war.

But they are there, and I do not want to scare you. Oh no. But if I said that everything is just pink clouds, and rainbows and harp-playing cherubs, I would leave out a very important piece of your puzzle.

Still there is a battle between light and the bad dark. I call it the bad dark or the negatives or the bad team, they try all the time to make you, loose your strength, and miss out on where to go, where you are needed.

It is exactly what they are doing. You hardly notice them but you seem not to be able to aim at your necessary target, your focus to do what is really important to you?

They "blur" you out. Like they spread an invisible "mist" around you, so you forget about yourself, and your important mission here on Earth.

You do not need to be afraid. But you need to get sharper. 

You need to understand the very source of your obstacles. How this negative team constantly make you unfocused and by doing so they can move on to distrupt someone next to you. 

Stand up straight in your own pillar of light and be proud of who you are! And know that your light is highly attractive to your opponents for they try to turn your light off.

You build your strength from within, Your pillars of light and love, hope and faith and all the positive energies comes from within your soul and also your heart. 

What do you need to feel at ease? What do you need to ground yourself? 

Meditation. Eathing healthy food. Exercising with heartfelt joy. Relaxing. No stressing. Being in nature. Praying. Healing movements and more...!

This is just some of what is helping you, healing you, making you focus better.

Let go of the strive to compete, to win or be better, be the best of anything, this is outside - of yourself - and has nothing to do with love and compassion the true spirit of your soul.

The "old life", was to measure, the old "school" told you to climb the highest mountain, to lay things under you, so you could be the winner. Who can run the fastest? Who can do this or that at the highest speed or measuring how high anyone can jump?

Where did the fun go? Where is the heartsjoy in a measurement?

The true life is within you and can not be measured, or ranked or competed with in any way.

You are good enough! Always! Everyone is! 

Let go of the will to know your grades, how you have been measured by someone. 

No matter how many diplomas you have inframed on your wall it is about how you feel within in your heart. And your heart does not understand this.

Your heart is always here and now!

Your heart knows you, the true you, as the eternal soul that you are.

To measure and compete, to constantly be a producer of something, is not what your soul wants, this is where your outside life demands of you, and also a part of your ego.

To create a world to live in, that is better? You are the tool you need.

Start within and create the loving world that is you and release it on your outside in loving harmony, this is how you transform your inner light to Earth.

No matter what obstacles you meet, have faith in me. Your strong faith, your hope and love creates the protection for you always. At the "soccer field" that you move around on and are playing on you are safe the more faith you have, and the more you can feel the green grass of Earth under your feet and loving it, the more heartfelt joy you feel.

The heartfelt joy actually gives you a good shield of protection! Love what you are doing! Always! 

Your opponents do not understand heartfelt joy, or a good faith in love or hope. The negative team do not understand mercy, kindness or gratefullness, and they bounce of you and you are free.

But they always try and make you forget about how important you are! And they want you to forget about what you love to do, and what your light mission is, here on Earth.

So you will win by being well prepared and by being up-dated so you know what is going on.

So I say, please dear love yourself and be true to yourself and follow your heart and believe in your dreams!

I love you


(Welcome to my blog I am Kerstin Eriksson and I am the channeler of this message from dear archangel Uriel, you can visit my blog,,, 

Welcome to Archangel Faith, angel letters for you! 

...for original messages and also follow if you like! You are welcome and have a beautiful day!)

Private picture!

Monday 5 December 2022

Archangel Michael My Faith!

I am archangel Michael and I love you very much. I have a twinsoul and that is Faith and she is also an archangel.

We as twins complement each other. Together we become one. But firstly, we need each other. For whatever she has, I might lack and the other way around.

It might seem as we are in-complete as our selves?

Before we became aware of each other, we built ourselves up, piece by piece. And we felt complete just as we were. And then later we began to understand that we had a twin.

The very making of the twin happens in a split second, in onesingle heartbeat.

When the soul is born it devides immediately in two, that is the most common, but sometimes there are triplets born too.

And the two parts of the soul are living for eons of times apart, without knowing anything of the other, and this comes later for a very good reason.

In order to meet ones twinsoul, you have to be complete first.

And if you meet anyway, as not totally complete, you will be detached from each other again, until you are ready, and whole, to meet again. And this is how life energy is created.

It is one of the energies of life! Because there are many other energies too.

When you become aware of your twin, you are on your way of becoming an universal miracle. Because the very meaning of you joining with your twinsoul is: To do the work of love!

Your loving work contains firstly by being sheer love, and also guiding and caring for others, those that you two are designated to take good care of.

And you two do it as a very high form of love and that is as a sacred chalice, a creation of yin and yang, she and he, dark and light, moon and sun, moist and dryness, and when you are truly in-sync you become this and you travel around the world in the very form of a holy geometrical shape of a merkaba.

And as I said, there are other forms of life energies, and other geometrical shapes...they all have their own purpose of life.

You have a purpose! Also on your own! Your first purpose is to love yourself! Always! And to understand the importance of the self-work, that you go through in your life here on earth. The more you work with yourself, going through all your fears, hinders, blockages, traumas, everything that keeps you away from - you - and the love that is always there - but you can´t notice it for you are cought up in - LIFE.

Life is to have obstacles, hindrens, traumas, and more. Life is living through whatever you go through, to come out on the other side of it, like going through the eye of the needle. And when you don´t give up you notice that love is still there on the other side of it all. And that is because you carry love with you always.


You are love no matter what you go through.

But you FORGET about it. So you will be reminded about it over and over again. And that is what I do. And Faith do. And what Hope does, and what LOVE itself does, all the time and we will NEVER stop. Becuse we can´t. Because love is forever. Love is unstoppable. 

Living on Earth means amnesia. A form of not remembering that love conquers all.

When you are born into this world, you have wanted to come here. To live on Earth.

You have even begged to come to Earth, because there is a long queue to come to live in the University of Earth.

It is a tough school many times. And you forget about everything in heaven, about all your friends there, and you forget that God is your best friend.

As soon as you open your eyes on Earth you hardly rememeber anything about where you came from. But as a little child you actually can have some memories,that is pretty common. 

But the father and mother usually say that it is just fantasies and must be forgotten. And the child most often put the joyful memories aside, into a little pod in their hearts, to be awakened much later in life.

This little seed is so important for there is actually more than one seed in the heart. 

All the holy eternal energies as love, faith, hope, goodness, gratefullness, hearts joy, harmony, patience, music, rythm, healing, humility, are seeds that everyone carry in their hearts.

And we who are working as merkabas we can awaken these seeds when it is time.

So many of the seeds are still dormant. And the time is actually nearly right now.

And I just wanted you to know that we, me and Faith, God and everyone else, we never sleep until everyone and every seed is awakened. 

It will be a joyus moment and a time to celebrate when all of you glow in your own unique colors.

But we actually see you in your beautiful colors, you already glow in them,! 

Love is unstoppable believe us, for we really see you!

We love you

Faith and Michael

Sunday 27 November 2022

Archangel Uriel On the right track!

I am Uriel and I am very old, and there is something that I think is very important, that I need to speak about now!

Many of you think, "-this is crazy" "-this is insane" and "-this is more far out" than even you could have anticipated, and what am I talking about?

I am talking about the scenery, the drama that you are living in! You might feel at times that "-why are they not revealed?" "-How can they get away with such a big crime?"

Well but they can´t! The more someone try to hide an evil plot, the more it will pop up eventually, right in the very faces of those that try to hide it from the beginning.

And how come? What am I talking about? How can I be so sure that evil agendas will be revealed?

Because Mother Earth does not tolerate it! It happens on her ground! It is her right to find ways to expose those that live on earth for the wrong reasons.

And what are the wrong reasons?: 

*When you use someone else for your own "good", and you don´t share anything.

*When you use Mother Earth as a buffet where you just pick what you need and throw everything else away as it suits you.

*When you play with other peoples lives as they are just there for you to experiment on, and use as you please.

These are only some of what can not happen on Earth, but it does happen, and Mother Earth herself is being plundered and she does not accept this.

The truth will always come out, sooner or later! Please be sure of this! 

The "popular narrative" that Mother Earth is evil and at different moments accusations are thrown onto different animals as for example the cows, the bats, the pigs, the cats, the rats, the monkeys and you can name others too I guess.

Who speaks up for the animals? For the animals themselves have no voice of their own, and so they are easy targets.

Who defends the innocent? Those that can not speak up for themselves? You? I hope so for you have a voice!

Humans where given a voice, with vocal cords and a voice box, so you can sing out anything, and really talk it out. 

Everything on earth is meant to be a loving collaboration. 

Where everyone realizes that no one can exist without the other. You need each other!

Everything on Earth is meant to be based on equality over all borders.

In fact Mother Earth has no borders, they are man-made.

Important way of living on Earth:

Loving protection of the innocent! 

Caring about all animals as they are your best friends!

Sharing with joy! By giving you receive more!

Understanding about the true living on Mother Earth and how she really works will be lessons in the near future for those that are interested.

Many of you kling to owning things. But the multi-international corporates and those people owning them, will be the FIRST that will not own anything, not you. 

You "bought" a ticket to go to Earth. To go to Earth and live is an EXPERIENCE.

In your experience you must possibly understand that you can only manage her and take good care of her for a while and then you pass her on to the next generation.

In your voyage to Earth and this life-alterning experience you understand that you will not live here forever, it is just for a "short" time and then you go home again where you came from, you go back to heaven.

Your experience makes your soul grow. And you expand! Your knowledge expand! Your wisdom! 

What matters is your good hearted care, your love, and your loving ambitions!

Your love leaves a trail of light and it remains after you are gone!

So I want you to love yourself and understand how much you really matter!

I am Uriel the archangel and I love you very much!

Saturday 26 November 2022

Archangel Michael What about Phoenix?

Dear beloved I love you! I am Michael and I will make my voice heard for you to really understand, how it all works.

Nothing escapes this, absolutely nothing and no one.

Everything in life, goes in cycles. Around and around. Energies goes from hot to cold and back, from sun in the day to dark in the night, and back to daytime again.

Seasons shift. From winter to spring, from spring to summer, from summer to fall and then back to winter! A constant CHANGE.

To live on earth means - Change. To live on earth means a living in a forever shifting world.

What might seem as somethings end, is actually somethings very start!

It is a constant "machinery" like a gigant hub of different wheels, small and big ones, in constant movement. 

You know that you only are certain of two things. And that is birth and then death. And the time in between - your life!

After a disaster you feel so weak and you think you will die but you actually rise up again like Phoenix! 

And why?

Because there is no end to love. Love makes the gear or the cogwheels turn all the time. 

Phoenix is eternal, a love being, an eternal soul. And what does Phoenix say to you right now?

"I am Phoenix, please do not give up! 

But if you do you will find yourself still alive. You will find yourself flying with me, once again, because you have flown with me many times, as we are good friends. 

Everytime you hit the ground really hard, I pick you up! And I let you feel that you too are eternal! 

You live in the hardest of worlds and you are in a war. Your opponents try to make you forget over and over again who you are.

They want you to forget that you are an eternal love-being with unique skills of a master. 

All the wireless technology is to make you un-earthed, so you get less contact with me and Michael. So your memory has to work more to keep itself awakened. 

Get outdoors more, breath fresh air as much as you can. Hugh a tree, we are here, next to you always, constantly reminding you about who you truly are and if you fall we always pick you up, please have faith in me,

I love you,


Tuesday 22 November 2022

Goddess Bastet World Peace comes from you!

 I am a cat and many of you call me Bastet or Bast and I am very old. 

I have seen so many things, I have seen so many happenings and have made many choices in favour to peace.

There is really only one way to go: to go the Peace-walk.

If you are sincerely interested in peace, being peaceful is the only way.

To put all the cards on the table is also a must do! Being totally honest! Just by being yourself!

And why do I speak of this, tonight?

Well, a very well orchestrated league of battle-interested people want to rule the world!

I want you to see right through their talk, and really understand what they are doing with their hands, with both of their hands. 

Do they sit down on the ground and talk to each other? Do you see them sit in a circle around a fire of peace? 

You are humans and you have different ideas. Everyone of you are unique.

Everyone of you have an unique idea how peace should be, and look like. That is how it must be. But the very little thing is: how can you join the peacetalk? Where must you gather to do the peacetalk, what can you do? The very leaders of each country of Earth must listen to you, the people of the green grass, the people that know so much.

You are also the people from the stars for you are the Lightworkers.

So sit down on the ground on the green grass, invite people to talk around a fire of peace. This is how you make peace, by letting everybody speak their mind.

Talk to each other, sit in this holy circle that your ancestors did and talk it out, if you jump over this ritual, there is much more likely to be a war?

Sitting on the ground means also that no one can hide anything under the table, no more secrets.

Talk to your family, to your friends, to your neighbours. You are the ones that create the future.

What world do you want the children to inherit?

A world where everyone listens to each other? And sits down and just hear everyone out?

Peace comes from being peaceful and doing things in a friendly way.

It is about living a slower life! No rush! No stress! To be able to listen to someone, you can not be rushed into it, you have to be living your life in peace, in a positive pace. 

Every new day is newborn, and please love each new day and live in each day without stress. So you can talk and make peace. So you can listen to other people, and make a loving peace for the future to come.

I love you 


Tuesday 15 November 2022

Archangel Michael Be proud of yourself and your unique footsteps!

I am Michael and I love you!

There are days when you think, where are Michael? Where are the angels? Have they dropped me? Left me? Do they think I am not good enough and chooses someone else?

You are tought that you are a lightworker, an obedient loveworker from the heavens, and that is exactly what you are!

And no, we have not choosen someone else, that you might think is better than you. Never!

We could NEVER do that! And why?

You are not replaceble! No one else can do exactly what you can do!

No one else has your capacity, your personal knowing, your uniqeness.

You are not kloones of each other.

You seem to forget this time after time. No one else can do what you came to earth to do. No one.

Your own life. This is where it starts. No one else have lived your life. So no one else are the master of YOUR life, but you!

When you are born into a lifetime on Earth you embody a matrix of circomstances. You inherit a body, with different biological inprints. You have to master your body, and all the feelings that come with that.

You have to master you life, you have to understand what you go through in every step of the way. And this is what you become your own master of. And no one else can do this.

When you decide in heaven that you want to go to live on Earth and learn and also as the lightworker you are to do your work as a love connector and love spreader you take on a gigantic task.

First you have to handle the very life, and the family that you have chosen to be born into, often to bring light and love into it.

Then you have to mature. And realize that you are indeed a Light and loveworker. So you have to go through all your fears, and your traumas first, in order to be able to work outside of yourself.

You have to pull yourself up by your own shoulders while you are lying down, it is a hard task as I said.

But you know this, you have done this before. You have lived many lives on Earth. And faith is the sign of you. You have the greatest faith. Otherwise you could not pull yourself up on your own, time after time.

And it is in the good faith that you believe in. The faith that always works together with hope and love, and also with gratitude, goodness and joy. You actually embody these energies.

You are unique! No one has walked the same steps as you have. And no one else can be the master that you are. 

We, the angels, can never give another lightworker your work to do. That is impossible.

All the miseries, all the negatives, all the discomfort, all the traumas that you have walked into, and been consumed by and then finally worked yourself through and out on the other side, this is what your mastery lies within. This is the material that you can help other souls with.

If you are a doctor, you have to be sick first, and then get well to know what you are dealing with.

If you are a lawyer, you have to have a personal experience with unjustice first, to be able to understand the very need of a lawyer.

Do you understand me? You can never help anyone, if you dont have a personal experience of the matter. That is impossible.

You sometimes value a grade from an Univerity, but by reading in books will take you where? Reading in a book gives you a hint of things, but you can never get the full picture.

By going to Real Earth-University, learning by living, it is the ultimate place to study. Never look down on yourself if you have gone to the school of life, your life, it is not less than any diplomas or grades or education of any university.

Ask your doctor "-have you ever been sick yourself?" Ask your lawyer have you ever encountered unjustice? ASK!

Ask them, everyone you meet, ask them questions to learn more about the one you choose to trust.

Do you trust grades, a diploma, or a fancy education? Or do you trust your gutfeeling, your heartfeeling and a personal connection and a personal experience?

Who do you trust? Ask and make them talk about themselves and their personal experience. The grades they want to show you does not mean so much. Anyone can read a book, and study for a test and get good grades?

Ask so you can feel their hearts ambition. And then it is up to you to make a choise. Do you want to visit a doctor that has never been ill? Never been sick for one single day? Can this doctor be empathic enough? Can this doctor relate to you? 

If you go to a healer, they must understand how it is for you, a healers first task is always to heal themselves. A true healer needs to know about being opposite to being healed - first. can they heal if they don´t know anything about it?

Personal experience dear is all I talk about today, and it is vital, very important.

And the same goes for all occupations. Ask. To ask a question means that you are interested. That you care. But many "professionals" hide behind a "proper" schooling, the "right kind" of university, the "perfect grades", the "best diploma"?

You must learn to see straight through and into peoples hearts, what hides behind all the diplomas and degrees?

You must absolutely learn to not look down on yourself anymore!

You have indeed walked on Earth and learned in the school of Life, where there are no diplomas given, nor given any grades, nor a prize. 

But God always walks beside you, as well as the embodiment of Gaia and they know all about you!

Please dear be proud of yourself and of your life, and of all of your steps you took wether they were small or big or whatever they where, they where the steps YOU TOOK and all that you have learned is because of them all. 

I actually want you to give praise to your feet, and love your feet for every step they have taken for you.

In our eyes we see your radiant light, the beautiful colors that indeed is your grades, is your diploma and all the confirmation of your hard work.

Love yourself and be grateful that God knows you to 100 procent and everone else in heaven can see you for who you truly are, your colors and light and pattern reveals you totally.

You embody this unique light on Earth and you are a precious pilar of love and no one else can do this important transformation work but you, so please believe in yourself and hear me out when I say,

I love you


(Private picture).


Sunday 13 November 2022

Lady Hagar Learning from life!

I am Hagar and I am very old. I have lived on Earth in many lives and all my experiences are my wisdom.

A long time ago I lived as someone´s wife and I learned what that was like.

But I have lived many other lives too as I said and the focus can become a little: out of line?

It comes down to: what do I bring with me when I leave?

When I leave the life as a wife to a well known man and go back to heaven then it comes down to what?

It comes down to what I learned about love and about compassion and about gratefullness to life itself.

Life is not a game or a challenge to win over someone else, or to gather as much gold as possible.

When we leave to go to heaven, we go back to our eternal home. 

In heaven we know! We know that love is the only energy that is eternal. And we know that no wisdom on Earth can be bought with money.

No heavenly wisdom can be found by controlling other people either. Or making women lower in rank for that matter. 

The ulitmate truth is that men that need to control women are no men at all. They lack that important insight that women are, really ARE.

Women are little copys of Mother Earth and are totally essential to all life.

A man that needs to control and master a woman to gain strenght, or power actually lacks a soul. A man that lacks a soul can not hear the holy voice of a loving God or Goddess.

A tree with a rotten branch needs to be cut off to not harm the entire tree. The tree is a living being and only love can make the tree survive. Only good care can make it live. 

Sometimes a tree lacks water and branches fall off by themselves because it is too dry.

Faith is like water, a good faith is liquid that is essential to life itself. To life itself there needs to be balance, a good balance always.

In a relationship between woman and man there needs to be a good balance and a good faith, or there will be to drought and the relationship will lack energy to continue.

Earth, our dear planet is a woman with a womb, and this has been threatening to some men, especially men in religious churches. They knew that women are little wombs of Earth, little grails, that can carry life, carry children.

Some men in religion want to oppress women, to make them forget how important they really are. 

If they say God have led them to this they lie! God has never wanted to oppress women - never! NEVER!

God is good and wants it to be a good balance between the female and male energies. God always wanted this! And still do!

No leader of church or of state can claim that their own bad doings are in the name of God, because God does not agree at all.

God knows how important women are to life, to Earth. God has never, never and never wanted any woman to be badly treated because of her gender, (nor for any other reason of course.)

Women are equal to men. God values women very highly as they have special gifts to aid Mother Earth in ways that men can´t. Men are supposed to aid women in their work with Gaia. Men are supposed to protect women that help Mother Earth and help life on Earth.

So in this letter today is me Hagar and also God making a statement!

The sex, the gender is holy, both women and men are equally important, and no one should be treated less or be treated as more important either.

What is all comes down to is what you do! No matter what sex you have!

How you choose to treat other beings, whether it is a human being or another being, like a dog, cat, pig, horse, ant or a whale or a plant or a tree or whatever that lives on Earth.

God does not see your sex first. God knows you of course, but does not see your body at first, no, firstly God sees your gratitude, God feels your intentions and if they come from your heart, if they come from your good heart - or not.

You are a vessell. You hold your intentions as in a little cup.

This is what God is most interested in and sees first. 

God feels your intentions, and your faith, your hope and your love is a colorful painting for God to study and for God to guide you through.

Give yourself a personal sanctuary, and contemplate over what makes you truly happy in your good heart, 

Give yourself a meditation each day, as well as a prayer in the sunrise to sow the seeds for the day.

Please take the time for yourself to dream and fantasise about what is your highest and most important hope for the future. And why should you do this?

This is so important! That you take your own personal time! Take your time to feel your hearts joy and let your creativity flow into the holy sanctuary of your inner garden, because it is how you manifest, it is how you transform your dreams into your own reality, your own realm.

You can dream, fantasise, meditate, say a prayer, no matter what gender you have! 

Follow your heart and believe in your dreams and start creating the new loving beautiful reality of Earth!

We love you 

Hagar and God

Thursday 27 October 2022

Mother Mary The Holy Gate of Gratitude!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!

Today I will speak about the most important thing when it comes to love.

The ray and energy of love that you consist of, that exists within you and your heart, has a key.

You need to unlock the door first, in order to access love.

Love is an energy that is based on gratitude!

So when you maybe have problem with tuning into the love energy - it is always about how you approach love.

It is always gratitude that opens the door to love, the abundance of the holy energy of love.

I speak about the love that resides within you, that is what you are made of!

In times of worries and troubles look within to your heart where your inner sanctuary lingers. And ask yourself what makes you grateful!

Please make a list, write it down on a paper! Write 10 points of what you are grateful about in your life. Maybe you can make an even longer list! 

When you enter the realm of gratitude where Archangel Grace is an overseer you actually open a gate, a holy gate!

Entering the holy gate of gratitude means that you actually enter another realm, another dimension.

It is a language too, being grateful. You will be able to interact with new friends, new projects, a beautiful start of a new life.

So Archangel Grace will soon come to this page and present herself for you and when you work on your list of gratefullness you will be ready to interact with her, to connect with her.

She is already there in the realm of Gratitude waiting for you, and you are so dearly awaited.

I love you

Mother Mary

Monday 24 October 2022

Archangel Metatron Your heartfelt joy, your true essence!

I am archangel Metatron and today I hold something in my heart that I reallt need to adress!

A long time ago I lived on Earth as a human being and I had a lot to do. Certain things came my way and I learned from it, like different sceneries that I walked through on my path of life.

It is easy to forget that you are right now doing the very same! 

I can whenever I like take a view of my life on Earth and se it like if I am at a movie theatre. If there is something I don´t remember about a particular life, I can just sit down and re-view it, just like that!

Please beloved friend; Don´t forget to laugh, do not forget to enjoy your life exactly as it is! It can be too easy to be too serious about it, and forgetting to just feel your own hearts joy.

Because you just have to do this and you just have to do that - first? And then, you will probably have some time over to just allow yourself to enjoy your own preacious moment?

No please! Do it now! Enjoy your life every day! I beg of you! To feel your heartfelt joy is not a crime! It is your right, it is your birth right! Why waste another minute, into the deep seriousness of life, which is important of course but not obligatory every second, and not obligatory in your every breath.

You have an obligation to your soul to feel your own unique heartfelt joy each day, and taking your own time for this, you should really stand up for this, stand up for your right to do this, hopefully every day. 

Why do I bring up the importance of joy? Why do I talk about the joy that you have in your heart?

True joy gives you protection! And how does it work?

You believe in the good energies, and you believe in the energy of love and you are dedicated to do good things in your life as you live on Earth, but it is not so easy, as you might have discovered?

You meet hinders to do this every day? Some people do not understand you? Well that is how it is! When you are dedicated to the good energies, as is gratefullness, harmony, faith, hope, love and joy you will face resistance from those that: are living in negativity.

The negative energies are: fear of different sorts, denial of love and denial of all the positive energies that I mentioned above. 

Those people that go the negative path: will try to separate you, from your good hearted joy and from your faith in goodness and love and more.

You who are standing up for the very essences of the meaning of life will be a target of negative energies that will try and make you forget about it firstly, by freigthening you.

Yes it is like a war. It is a war between the good and the negatives. 

And every time you make a conscious space of joy where you can relax and have a break and just allow yourself to be, to exist in your true form, in your true essence of love, you make more room for yourself that will protect you.

Maybe you think that if you hide your joy, and if you hide your good faith, and your hope and love, you will slide under the "negative radar" and negative energies will not discover you? 

But then you will deny yourself your true essence, what you came here to be and foremost what you already are and always have been.

You came here to hold the torch! You came to Earth to hold the torch of freedom and love! You can not just be like the others that have not awakened yet, because they slumber in the wheel of negativities. 

Yes you are awaited, to step up for YOU! Yourself awaits you, your higher self awaits you to do what you really love to do!

Don´t deny yourself of this natural essence that you are created of. 

Jesus did it! Others do it. What are you really afraid of? When you deny yourself you will feel unsatisfied, you will feel like you can not quench your thirst, no matter how much water you drink. You will feel empty, hollow.

It is because you hold your true essence on an arm´s length, and you can not help but feeling that things does not add up for you. 

So, you have to make a choice my dear! On whos side do you stand?

You are a lightworker, a hard worker of good deeds, you are a loving soul and without you knowing it, you are a lot more negative than you thought, because you do not stand up for yourself enough.

You have to ask yourself: what are you really afraid of? You have to get rid of the shackles.

You don´t have to change much, oh no, just that little thing that hinders you on a daily basis, to allow yourself really feel your true hearts joy.

Just ask me if you have any questions! I am waiting for you to ask me because I really want you to be your true self always!

I love you very much,


Sunday 23 October 2022

Mother Mary We are one!

Dear beloved I am Mother Mary and I must say: I am so proud of you!

You have grown, you have matured beyond all expectations!

Even though it is the natural way, the path that all souls walk. You as a carrier of Light, which is the same as the holy eternal knowledge of love, you have really worked hard against all odds.

And that is what signifies the Lightworkers on Earth, you are so wonderfully dedicated to your mission as you as a soul came here to do.

What I really need to speak about is that you have gone through worse things than you had enticipated, and still you did the job and you did it really well!

I am so proud of you and I have followed you always. I have not missed out on one single thing you have done! I have been by your side no matter if you cried or if you where happy, all I know is that your paths have been much more harder to endure than anyone could ever have forseen.

And now, I need for you, to be very proud of you and your work as not one single step is unimportant.

I actually want you to love your feet, I would be very glad if you would cherish every breath you have taken as you have walked on this souljourney on Earth.

It is all about respect! Respect yourself! All the dedicated souls that chosed to come here in this particular time in the elevation of Mother Earth, it is you who helped her, it is your blood sweat and tears but mostly your love for her.

Wherever you have walked you have left trails, footprints of your feet, and I am happy to tell you that they glow in the dark!

The colors, the most beautiful colors glow from these footprints and have left a loving and caring mark for anyone to follow if they can feel into its energies.

You have layed the foundation stones for the future transformations on Earth! Just as old souls layed the very primal stones for you to come in this lifetime to help you do your own transformations. It is a work of your dear colleagues, those that are a bit older than you, it is a perfect teamwork to be totally frank. You always pay it forward. Together you hold the line alive! The red thread, the thread of life!

When you have worked with yourself and done the tremedous tranformations of feelings, you also transform all your previous footprints and you can summarise all that you have done and say to yourself: 

From now on I will be proud of myself! From now on I will always know that I did it! I did transform all of my fears into the good light and into the light of love, and this is when all the steps you have ever taken suddenly transforms into the most radiant beautiful colors.

The steps surrounds you and is like a map of you! And I see them, I see every step and I know the colors, they are unique for you and I know exactly what you have felt and what you have worked with. 

You give liberation to Mother Earth as you do this important job! You make her more elevated as you take responsability for your own personal development.

I am so proud of you and I love you so much and please do not be shy to ask for my assistance in the name of love and humility and I will always hear you out!

Yours sincerely,

Mother Mary

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Archangel Michael For better for worse.

I am Archangel Michael and I love you very much.

On your journey in your life you encounter many different things and you meet several choices and that is exactly what life is about.

Sometimes your life takes you on a walk over a green blossoming meadow where harmony resides and everything is fine. Other moments you have to walk on sharp stones that hurt your feet. And sometimes you walk where there is dark and other times where the landscape takes you to difficult terrains.

Your life is a journey. Your soul is eternal and for the soul the walk here on your planet Earth is a part of your forever walk. The journey is the goal, not the very finishline that you might think of?

What you learn here on Earth is forever going to be something that your soul will learn from forever on.

Not one single step is unnecessary. When you have to do hard stuff in your life and when you have to make difficult choices because you do not find any other possibility - that is okay.

That is what life is about. Learning to cope no matter what circumstances there may be.

So what is it all about? Life? Life here on Earth? 

For a soul coming to Earth is like a human being going to a university, and not a university that you think is a difficult school to go to, no much harder, because you loose all your memory, you start as a newborn and you work your way up, meaning you work up your knowledge about life and what really matters.

So what is it that really matters? 

What you can not own, is the most important knowledge of all. 

You can not own love, or buy faith, or shop for some hope. You can not own a true friend. 

If you come to earth to explore freedom, you will find yourself in different traps, where you learn about being held against your free will. That is only an example.

Another example: If you come to Earth to learn more about love, you will find it difficult to receive love and you have to learn and understand love because of that.

This is how it is. You are eternal, as a soul. And you want to come here, to this school as Earths is. This school is highly sought after.

Souls stand in a long queue in heaven to be reborn on Earth, to learn more, to understand more in different subjects.

Can it really be like this, you might wonder? Yes it is!

The scenery of your life makes you learn what you came here to know and then - you become a master in this subject. 

In a way you are married to life, as you are here on Earth. As you are born into this life you have said yes to a life in one of the most difficult schools there are, in the Universe.

The more love you can find, the more faith you have in your heart and the more you understand that you are a creation of love, the more you understand of the lessons you take in this school.

The knowledge of love is free, it does not cost a penny and as you yourself are creations of love, faith, hope, and more wonderful energies you begin to love what is free. You begin to learn that no one can own, you, or her your beloved Mother Earth.

I am so proud of you, and how you have managed all of your lessons, and all of your difficult classes in the most intricate school of all, the Earth school, and you still spread love all around you.

You spread such a lovely light around you and it connects with all of your sisters and brothers all around the globe and it is the most beautiful light there have ever been and I must say cheer up because no one judges you for your own choices because sometimes you are sad about parts of you life, that you wish you hade done in another way?

Every step matters! If you had not taken those steps, you would not have learned what you know today. Be happy! Be proud! 

As you have lived your life on Earth you leave and go back to heaven. 

And as you know, no one can take anything with them as they go back to the forever home. And when you are back in heaven the true richness, is all about the knowledge of love that you bring back with you in your soul essence.

The knowledge is what you bring back! Not a chair, not some jewellry, gold, money or a car, a house or whatever..!

The third dimension on Earth is the same as the school. 

As you learn more of what is free and can not be owned, you tap into higher dimension because there you find less materials. It is not about the tapestry, or the carpet or the cutleries.

It is about a higher knowledge that no one can own Mother Earth. 

No one can own her. She is herself!

Everyone that is here on Earth is visitors. Just visiting! Saying hallo to her? Treating her kindly? Loving her?

When you truly love yourself, then you love her, your Mother Earth because she will mirror you so you will understand that you are on the right track.

Mother Earth is a living being, a creator, a soul and she loves you very much and she walked beside you at every step you have taken in your life, but you did not know it. She saw your tears, she felt your fears, she know about all your pain and also about your joy.

Love your steps, love every single one of them, love yourself always and keep on shining the most beautiful light of the knowledge of love, the only thing that you always bring with you wherever you go!

I love you


Sunday 16 October 2022

Archangel Michael The holy truth!

I am archangel Michael and today I will speak about what really matters!

Your world is rising and your knowledge, your inner wisdom awakens more and more for every sunrise.

You are truly a flower of wisdom, you have several layers, multiple branches spreading out from you.

You are a rare temple of the holy truth!

How do I mean?

You are a pillar of light and on this pillar many circles form a beautiful pattern. They are all in wonderful colors that are radiant with colors of love.

You are a manifest of love and you carry this with you wherever you go and whatever you do.

All you have to take care of is yourself. 

All you have to really tend to is being faithful to yourself and what is the true love for you.

Many times you feel that you have to wait for people around you to awaken to what you are, they don´t understand, yet. But they will. Many are now awakening, and they are now where you where many years back

They are on the right track, trust them! Just be patient! But you must know that the knowledge that is awakening is an accelerating energy. 

For you it took decades to learn the holy truth, because not many have walked in those footsteps before. 

Now many walk in the same footprints and they will have a faster awakening, and this can come with some bumps in the road.

They will need guidance! From you who already are awakened! 

You hold the roots and the trunk of the tree of knowledge and many leafs grow on your tree, and they are your responsability. They are many and they need to feel your groundeness and tranquility.

The leaves and the fruits of your wisdom are what you have worked for, the ascension of so many souls. Your beloved alma is everything.

When you ascended for over a decade ago you did all the preparation work. You did all the tears, the blood and all the efforts to be ready this day. Now you hold two worlds in your hands and you know it.

You have felt very alone in this world and that is understandable. Not many could know what was really going on. When you took the shower many years ago and Mary Magdalene came and washed your feet together with Jesus and you were very grateful for what she did. But you really did not know why? Or did you?

When you felt something stinging you around your forehead and around your head you stood in the mirror and you saw a crown of thorns on your head and surprised you took a step back and asked me, God, what does this mean?

Take it away, you said to me, it is really hurting me, why is a crown of thorns sitting on my head, dear God, you asked me.

I said: that is why you share the pain with Jesus. You walk with him always, and you always have.

And then you realised that it must be just so, for everything came to be in that light, to heal the innocent, to always aid those in need.

You came here to do good. And you always blamed yourself for being naive, too naive. Always trusting people, but they betrayed you. You began to think by being good was equal to being stupid.

But you really where good. And you then found a friend that wanted you to write a book about Mother Earth, and about all women and the feminine energy, and then you heard his name, and he said it was Goding. And today everyone calls me God, parts of my name fell into oblivion. And we will soon write a second book.

And why did Mary Magdelene wash your feet?

Well what do you think?

For the respect for you, for your walk, for every step that you take, for your dedicated work for God, for me!

It is all a collaboration. A holy work of unity. Nothing is separate. We need you and you need us. In order for the ascension to work every part is of highest neccesity. Everyone does their part of the job.

Michael the archangel, work with your protection always, 

Goddess Guan Yin works with your gratitude.

God works with your goodness, 

Archangel Gabriel works with your galactic connection of your soul, and there are many more that work constantly with you. 

Mary Magdelene works with flora and fauna on Earth and she cares for your feet that you use daily, to walk and do what really matters for the sake of love peace and truth.

We all care for you! We are a great team! And you are a natural part of it!

I love you
