Monday 12 September 2022

Archangel Michael Love is bestowed upon you!

My dear beloved friend, I am Michael, and I love you dearly.

I have a wish to say something, and I think, even know, that this is the right time for you, to realize this.

No matter where you are right now, everything will be fine, more than fine.

There is something that is very strong, and that is love.

Love is like a stadium filled with lovebeings, that look at the stage, and they see you and your life.

But when you are on this stage, you only see your life, your little space where you do your things.

You are not aware of all the love that surrounds you.

It is a powerful energy. But you do not feel it.

You would not believe how many souls that know of every little step you take.

The Universe is filled with these loving souls and theý all cheer you on, and there is even more souls than that.

There is not only a big arena, there are millions of arenas filled with loving souls watching and following you in your life. 

Yes you have followers from space!

And they all cheer you on, they want only the very best and loving for you in your life.

So you are certainly not alone, but you might feel that you are. And the thing I want to say is that this wonderful energy is bestowed upon you, at all times.

Sometimes you watch a movie or a consert and you see the star on the stage. But this is when you must realize that this is a show, to make money and sell things.

But the real love, the real stars are you all, you who don´t think anyone see you.

You are the real heroes, the real stars of Earth because you do it because you listen to your hearts, and it is not for fame or money.

And how does this work? Can you really have fans throughout the Universe? How is it possible?

For all the lives you have ever lived on Earth, you have met people, as in families, relatives, and friends. But you also have families and relatives and friends on other planets too. And furthermore you also have pets that you have loved througout all your lives...! And you also have all your spirit animals, guides and much more. 

You have a very big network I can ensure you. 

On Earth a tremendously big job is being done as I speak and this is like the most intriguing captivating love-show to watch for all of your friends all over.

And they all say prayers for you too! Oh yes! Of course! The watch you with their hearts and nothing else, they love you very much!

And so do I, and I just want you to know that this is a gift to you, so be ready to receive love right now!


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