Monday, 25 July 2022

Mother Mary Hand in hand!

My dear beloved child of Earth I love you from all of my heart! I cannot say how much it touches my inner emotions to see how much you work for Mother Earth, for all life on Earth.

You as I see it work without realizing that you are connected in a web of co-workers. Your fellow brothers and sisters! 

You are the Lightworker tribe of Earth and I am so proud of you!

But! You need to connect, or should I say re-connect with your tribe! 

You all know each other from other lives on Earth, and you also work together in other dimensions and realms.

Still too many of you my dear beloveds think that you are more or less alone. 

It is time for you to realize that it is time to make those bonds that you actually already have - because you are certainly not alone in any way.

Invite! Call! Make a move! Or whatever suits you!

You are as a Lightworker a connector, you are a light beacon.

Now it is time to harvest the good and positive connections that you have so longed for to do. This is your ripe fruits to harvest now, and you surely have planted all the seeds, you have watered the plants and you have loved every minute of it, because you fullheartedly care.

Sometimes you think you are a lone wolf and meant to be tending to everything alone. This time has been your incubation period.

It is time for you now to explore co-operation to the full because in the now and in the future it is all about togetherness and being a full part of the unity. 

You and your co-workers of Light make the most beautiful spectra of colors and every single nuance is vital to you all. 

You need each other and you complement each other. No one of you carry all information and knowledge. 

You will sit together in a circle of love. No one of you will sit alone on a pedestal like some guru. That belongs to the old. 

No guru have all the knowledge. It is now all about working together. 

In your essences you are all gurus, yes you are your own guru, but it is not time for anyone to take a role as some sort of a "king or queen" on a "throne", that belongs to the old.

The new is, embracing the fact that you all complement each other. No guru can stand alone. 

You are all made of the same energies and that is love, hope and faith, joy, gratitude, harmony, patience, rythm, and music and even more positive energies.

The old way of gurus have been that they have certain godly inheritance? Oh no! That comes from the ego. Everyone of you have just as much godly inheritance! Do you understand!?

Not only Jesus was the son of God. You are all children of God and the creators, and that is why, it all comes down to love.

Everyone is just as important! You already have it! 

So with your love please shape your circle of Light with your dear brothers and sisters for they await you!

We will walk together, hand in hand, side by side and our hearts will beat as one!

I love you

Mother Mary


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