Sunday 12 January 2020

Quo vadis?

Someone whispered the words Quo vadis to me today!❤
And I had to look it up!
It actually means - WHERE ARE YOU GOING?

And then it really hit me, as I continue to search for information, that Saint Peter and Jesus are said to have met once outside Rome and then Saint Peter said to Jesus Quo Vadis? And Jesus hade answered something about going to Rome to be cruicified for the second time.

I guess it is all about the road, our path, the journey of our life,
where we are going, and what we choose to do!

We are here to awaken to love and to the calling of our mission of love on this planet.
Each and everyone of us has a mission that we take to our heart if we like.

The Arcturian Council once said to me;

Follow your heart
and believe in your dreams! ❤

Kerstin E

This nice picture is borrowed from Google! Thank you!

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