Tuesday 27 August 2019

Archangel Metatron; How it works!

Hallo dear beloved sisters and brothers of Earth, I am Archangel Metatron.
Tonight I have to say, I am totally ready to speak up and tell you how it works!
And what am I talking about?

Let me say, you are evolving, everything is going as planned, but you might feel like you are incubated? I have picked up your feelings and many of you are feeling that nothing is happening now? And you might wonder, what is really going on?

Well it is just the way it should be!
Nothing is wrong here!

If you feel this, you should know that you are on the right track, even though you think nothing happens. You think you stand still, but really you don´t!

A lot of things are happening, below the surface.
Every night you are brought up to vessels in universe for updates, in lightchambers.
It is very relaxing, and rejuvenating. Up in the lightchamber you are guarded and guided by loving and devoted angels and they are very eager to make you feel that you are comfortable. Then after your upgrade you are also escorted down again and you will not remember anything of this, but it is important that you relax at sunset and go to sleep at night time!

Don´t worry, if you miss a night it is ok, you can catch up with your lost upgrade in the next night. And why this? Well you are a lightworker and this is normal for you. You have done this, since you where born. Your DNA is awakened and you can feel new abilities awakening. You bring this into Earth as a lightworker. You all are nodes and you create a network of light and it is very beautiful.

You will eventually begin to see you own nearest network, and those that are in it, they will be your best friends. And you will find exciting new things that will interest you and your nearest networkers. And don´t worry, if you work at nighttime you will be brought up to the lightchambers, whenever you sleep.

The important thing is to take good care of yourself and sleep as regularly as possible.
You already work in these teams, in the grid that covers earth in different colors.

A new awareness, and new friendships which will bloom into new cooperations. And why? Well this is the way to do it! And what do I speak of?

Well you are lightworkers, and you want peace and love everywhere! And you have already many good ideas that you want to put into action.

Friendship and togetherness is all that matters here. You are a lightworker and you want to create heaven on Earth, where the heart rules. And you dear beloveds are on the right track, just have faith,
I love you

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