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Friday 22 May 2020

Archangel Michael; Hold on to love!

I am Archangel Michael and I see you!
I am an old being, with wings and I love you!

With my wings I circle around your beautiful planet and I see many afraid hearts.

Fear blocks the energy of love, and I ask of you to have faith in love!

When you let go of your fears and trust that love is the strongest energy there is, that is when you can notice me, eventhough I am there with you at all times.

It is very beautiful to see when you have faith in love, you create very nice circles around you, like spheres of rainbows, that glow even at night time.

And when more and more of you release the fear, and you let your faith in love grow, your spheres of love interact with each other, they connect! You actually bond with others with the same intention, to embrace love no matter what!

I have talked for many years about the energy of fear, that it blocks the love energy,
so do not give up!

Much of the fear are manmade and used as a tool to manipulate you. You become obidient. You become one-eyed, like you don´t have the ability to see with your two eyes.

Love is something you feel! You do not have to see anything to find love in your heart! It exists inside of you, it is already there! Love resides in your heart at all times, you just have to have faith in its existens!

I am Michael
and I love you!

(A channeling with Archangel Michael, through Kerstin Eriksson 22 May 2020)

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Mother Mary; Rest easy!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!
Do you know what I have done?
I am like you, I have walked my path in life on Earth and it was not always easy!
What I came to understand was that I held my family closest to my heart, they were all that I had and
they made me the richest and happiest person in the world!

And now, you my dear friends, you are my children also, and what I want to say
is that you are my family now, everyone of you!

I work dilligently, and I love my work, it is actually more than a work it is a
blessing to work on Earth with you!

No matter what you go through in your life, we go together, you are never alone.

I am older, I am a parent, I have more experience, you can rely on me in all moments,
all you have to do is have faith in me!

I pray for you each day, and I light candles for you as well!

Not one day goes by without me knowing how you are doing,
and when you truly believe in me
that is when love is truly anchoring in your heart and is giving you hope
and this state of being is what I wish for you at all times!

I love you,
Mother Mary

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Heliga Birgitta; Kärlekens väg!

Kärlekens väg leder Dig hem igen!
Mitt namn är Birgitta och en del kallar mig för Heliga Birgitta!

I livet så vandrar vi utefter en väg, en stig. Vandringen blir en resa genom olika landskap, med olika former. Ibland så vandrar vi på en slätt, ibland uppför en backe, ibland nere i en dal. Det omväxlande sceneriet är vad livet ger oss alla, genom de olika val som vi gör, och som i sin tur ger olika möjligheter.

Sedan har vi olika förutsättningar som vi inte riktigt kan välja bort, vi föds med de egenskaper som vi ska ha med oss i livet.

Det jag vill prata om idag är att vad vi än har med oss i vårt bagage, när vi vandrar, så finns alltid möjligheten att välja kärlekens väg!

Och hur skall det gå till kanske du funderar?

En stor del av kärlekens energi är tacksamhet! Tacksamhetens energi är helande!

När du älskar Dina fotsteg, när du älskar din resa och din vandring utefter livets vägar, och tackar din väg, tackar dina fotsteg och de spår du lämnar efter dig, då har du börjat gå kärlekens väg!

Kärlekens väg, är inte alltid så lätt att gå! Varför kanske du undrar nu?

För att du kan möta andra människor som inte vill gå kärlekens väg ännu, och de känner ditt ljus och kärlek och de kanske reagerar med en negativ känsla, för att de orkar inte se in i sig själva, älska sig själva och förlåta sig själva.

Alla kommer att gå kärlekens väg till slut, för det är den enda väg som leder hem, till det eviga livet!

Jo alla kommer till himlen när ni ska lämna er kropp, javisst, fast när ni går kärlekens väg så behöver ni inte omfödas på jorden fler gånger! Om inte ni själva önskar det såklart!

Karma är något som många är rädda för och tror att det hänger kvar mycket länge. Karma bygger mycket på rädslan att inte duga inför Gud. När du väljer att gå kärlekens väg, då försvinner ditt karma helt och du följer en helt ny väg som leder Dig hem.

Så släpp rädslan, älska dig själv, förlåt dig själv och andra, och gå kärlekens väg med Gud, Jesus, Buddha, Maria Magdalena, Michael och Faith.

Och oavsett vilken väg du än går så finns alla där ändå, faktiskt så går Gud bredvid Er alla och de andra också, till och med er Moder Jord som har en egen själ är med Er utefter er livsvandring och Ni är alla så innerligt älskade allihopa!

Med tro, hopp och kärlek, en helig trio, en universell kraft, samt glädjen i kärlekens trygga famntag, vilken ger en härlig framtidstro, att allt redan är bra och det kan bara bli bättre och bättre!

Jag, Birgitta, tänder ljus och ber för Er varje dag,
känn tillit till mig, och till Jesus som alltid håller Er hand i sin,
Ni vandrar aldrig ensamma,
känn istället in orden;
Alltid Tillsammans i Kärlekens Glädje!

Thursday 14 May 2020

Archangel Faith; A lesson in love!

"Hello there...

I am glad you hear me. I am Archangel Faith and I am not so far away. 
How far away do you think I am? 
I guess you think I am in heaven looking down at you, through some clouds.

It gives me great joy to tell you, I am where you are! And I have always been. 
I am an archangel. My mission is Faith. I am Faith.

There have never been any separation. Some say angels are only in heaven. And what does that idea result in? It captivates you. Makes you think there is a long distance. Makes you feel alone and afraid ?! And when someone make you afraid and alone, they are in POWER of you! Have you ever thought of that?

You are in fact free! Invisible chains, power over you, makes you walk in a certain direction. You become obedient, maybe even a slave? And everything, is a lesson! A lesson in love!

What do you want!?! And no matter what road you walk on. Even if you are a slave. Or free. I am there with you. And I have always been. We angels serve souls. We are where souls are, and many are on Earth. That is why we are on Earth. All angels are Gods helpers! God is all about love! Love is our lantern!

I hold you to my heart always. 
I love you!
// Archangel Faith"

Reposted channeling from 2014-10-07 by Kerstin Eriksson

Saturday 9 May 2020

Heliga Birgitta; Låt ditt hjärta stråla!

Världen kastas om, runtomkring Er, var stilla, var lugna,
andas ditt heliga och helande andetag.
Din andning helar Dig om Du tillåter det!
Din andning strålar av Guds ljus om Du tillåter det och
lär känna ditt nav, ditt centra som är ditt hjärta!
Släpp din oro, den behöver du inte, den grumlar din kontakt med ditt hjärta och
Din kontakt med Guda källan.
Alla Ni har stor möjlighet att få kontakt med Gud, om Ni så önskar!
Fast först måste ni se bakom slöjorna, rädslor som sås, av era ledare.
Ni gynnas inte av rädslor, ni fattas mycken kraft istället och
ni förlorar mycket av er återhämtningskraft.
Älska Dina andetag, och med ditt hjärta så når du till Gud på en liten stund och
Du får all den tröst och kärleksnäring Du längtar efter!
Jag är en gammal själ som talar ur mitt hjärta och jag ser vad Ni vandrar igenom nu.
När du känner ditt nav så kommer du märka att glädjen kommer tillbaka och ditt livshjul
blir upplyst, precis så som det ska vara, så oroa dig inte, känn din glädje i ditt hjärta !
Vi finns här för Dig, vi är många som ger lindring till Er
och Ni är så innerlig älskade,
/Heliga Birgitta

Thursday 7 May 2020

Archangel Michael; I love you!

I am Archangel Michael and I love you!

At large, you live on a planet in the Universe and you seem quite small when I look upon you from my home.

When on the other side, I look upon you when I am sitting next to you, you seem very nice and not small in any way.

It is about perspective, is it not?

If you travel to "the end" of Earth, as far away from your home as you possibly can, then you might think that your home is very tiny?

And yet, when you remember your home, you feel it in your heart, then you feel an unexpected love for it?

How can this be?

Does the distance make a difference when it comes to love?

Yes it does! Love grow with the distance!

And how do I know this?

It is a law of nature.

How does it work?

You can feel the true essence of love with the help of the distance,
things that are not important falls away and the sum is love.

When you are in the middle of something and you can not find a point to view your situation from, you have a hard time finding a perspective on your life.

Just ask me, and I will help you find a new perspective on your lifes situation, it might help you find an angle that you had not anticipated.

The renewed point of view that I can help you with, will give you your joy back,
and til then, have faith in me, and know that I am waiting to assist you,
I love you,
Archangel Michael

(A channeling with Archangel Michael through Kerstin Eriksson

Monday 4 May 2020

Archangel Michael; One step ahead of you!

I am Archangel Michael and I love and serve you!

My mission that I received from God is to protect you at all times!

To protect means I protect your soul!

It means that you go through different stages in your life and you learn different important things about life and love and in that process I protect your soul.

Your soul has a mission to learn. Your soul has a mission on earth, in a body, in a human body.

I want you to know that animals have souls too, as trees also have and as you say nature.

Mother Earth is a soul a great soul.

You go through a process right now that says to your soul that there are no separation.

Everyone is in the same process of evolvement.

The result of what the left hand has done is being evident to the right hand.

You are waking up to the very core of the treatment of Mother Earth.

As you treat Mother Earth, you treat yourselves.

When you throw litter on the ground, you also throw it on yourselves.

There are no more blinders. There is only you and she, her, your Mother, your planet that you walk on and that gives you everything.

What you do to her will be mirrored back to you.

That is why now is a great time to awaken!

You need her, and she needs you!

And the very best, the best of all is that she loves you very much!

You are her children! And she knows many of you have been mislead deliberately.

She still loves you very much and she is waiting to make contact with you.

When you treat her with love and respect, you will treat yourself with love and respect. And then everything will fall into its right place. Then you don not have to search anymore, because you will be home, in your Mothers lap.

Mother Earth does not hold any grudge against you, she is not angry in anyway, she is just exhausted and tired.

Just know that she has just as much soul as God have and she walks beside you just as much as God does! She loves you all, she knows you all, and she is waiting for the much awaited moment when your connection is re-opened once again.

She will help you live on Earth, and you will help her thrive even more.

You will find that you live in a paradise, when you live toghether with her.

And so I say to you
I am Michael and I serve you,
I have a mission from God,
and I love you very much!

(This is a channeling with Archangel Michael via Kerstin Eriksson