Saturday, 25 January 2025

Goddess Pomona tells a tale!

I am Pomona, and I live in the realm of the appletrees!
Where I am I see a lot, and I have met many of you!
I can also feel you, I feel you in my heart.

If you see the seed in the middle of the apple, as a precious heart, and that it actually is well inbedded to be safe until it lands in the soil to begin to grow to a new tree, you can understand how important it is for you to sheild your own heart from time to time.

You must be the guardian of your own most important energy, your heart energy!

Being a love-being means that you indeed can share your lovely intent with others, but it does not mean that your heart sits on the outside of your body, for anyone to prey on!

Your heart and your heartenergy is so important! And only you can set the rules for it! And only you can really say no!

Why is this so important right now?

Well, right now there is a strong influx of new etherical energies!
And therefore much is happening in your three-dimensional plane!

You can be the most loving open person, a great light and love worker, but you don´t have to have your door open to your heart at all moments! 

Every now and then you should need to do a retreat and re-define what you absorb, process and learn, and therefore you have the perfect motivation, to be alert and take one step at the time right now.

The more your heart is open the more light you spread, and the more energies you attract!

Energies fly around in the etherical spaces and see your beautiful light and so the come near you, for they are curious for various reasons! And they might try and contact you as well.

You are valuable and you don´t just give your energy to anyone! 

So you can imagine that you are a chameleon! Look within to your sacred heart and imagine a beautiful forrest, and be one with it!

This makes your heart go into camoflage mode! And there are many other methods too! 

Or you can imagine that you are an apple tree! Or any tree!

You are the crown, the branches and the trunk and the roots all at one time.

Ask me for help if you like! I will help you!

You can meditate on being a tree, your favorite tree, and this is a lovely way to ground yourself as well!

I tell you this essential tale in which the truth lies for you are so precious and I would like to aid you all I can!
I love you,

( If you like what you read please support the channeler of this letter with the yellow button, "buy me a coffee" Euros, Dollars, Pounds 11, or, 111, or 1111 or what you prefer! Over 10 years doing this lovely calling for God, and must buy food and medicin as a human being). 💓Have a beautiful day! /Kerstin Eriksson