Tuesday 27 February 2024

Blessings to you!

I took this picture on a walk by Storsjon the other day! The sun is returning bit by bit every day! I love it!

I have been writing on this blog for 10 years now and there is up to 700 letters now!

A little news from me;

I am thinking of making it in to a faith-book - what do you think of it? 

Another news: For the past weeks a goddess have been reaching out to me, and now I am writing her words with my pen, it is very exciting! Will not reveal who it is though, not yet.

I have recently learned a new form of distancehealing! I now work with the Plant Kingdom and my new healing is good for whoever needs to be more grounded! My first distancehealing I learned was with archangel Metatron, and is more physical. 

Available workshops: 

*Workshop with Mary Magdalene in combination with her book, that I channeled. Heartguidance from Mary Magdalene directly to you!

*Workshop with Goddesses. A 12 month workshop on distance from wherever you are, with a personal reading each month and more.

Please let me know if you are interested, use the contact form down below! 💜

Once I sent distancehealing a cross the planet all the way to USA (and I live in Sweden), and it worked fine!

I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to those of you who has funded me, in my time of great need. THANK YOU! You are true angels of Earth! 💓

Have a beautiful day!

