Thursday 7 December 2023

I am on Patreon now...

Please use this link to se my page on Patreon! I have never tried this before! Does it work?

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If you are interested in personal and spiritual guidance, let me know!

I have just started my own creators page on Patreon, what do you think?

I am not very good with computers and so, too technical for me, but  now I try!

Have a beautiful day,

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Kerstin E

ps I love dewdrops, it is like the entire universe is therein...! 

This book is my 4´th book, channeling with 84 messages from 58 different Goddesses!

Here are the Goddesses that have given me messages in this book.

15       Gaia

              In alignment

Don´t worry, don´t hurry, go with the flow!

Can you feel the flow!?

I am talking about the love flow!

Relax dear, you can tap into the love flow if you let yourself and allow yourself to feel and to be in full alignment, with your pulse and your breathing and your natural rhythm.


Give yourself a peaceful brake, a healing moment and

please go ahead and tap in!


I love you


1  Pomona                                    20 Sasquatch                                40 Kybele                                     60 Lilith

2  Yemanja                                   21 Artemis                                    41 Venus                                      61 Artemis

3  Bastet                                       22 Demeter                                  42 Callisto                                    62 Nike

4  Lorelei                                     23 Angelica                                  43 Vesta                                       63 Ran

5  Freja                                         24 Hera                                        44 Sarakka                                   64 Ran

6  Cornelia                                   25 Diana                                      45 Madderakka                          65 Astarte

7  Hera                                         26 Nefertiti                                  46 Durga                                      66 Amaratesu

8  Althaea                                    27 Freja                                        47 Anemone                                 67 Amaratesu

9  Isis                                            28 Lord Shiva                             48 Leila                                        68 Wadjet

10 Hestia                                     29 Oceania                                   49 Lorelei                                    69 Tara

11 Alfhild                                    30 Navona                                   50 Shara                                       70 Brigid

12 Sofia                                        31 Vesta                                       51 Narakka                                 71 Minerva

13 Athena                                    32 Gaia                                         52 Octavia                                   72 Hekate

14 Afrodite                                  33 Brigid                                      53 Afrodite                                  73 Guanyin

15 Gaia                                         34 Althaea                                   54 Ran                                          74 Guanyin

16 Nefertiti                                 35 Oranie                                     55 Lilith                                      75 Idun

17 Viola                                       36 Lakshmi                                  56 Rena                                        76 Idun

18 Nike                                        37 Lasa                                         57 Lilith                                      77 Samoa

19 Aurora                                     38 Zwanaza                                58 Hel                                          78 Samoa

                                                      39 Elim                                         59 Hel                                          79 Samoa

                                                                                                                                                                   80 Fatima

                                                                                                                                                                   81 Amara

                                                                                                                                                                                                               82 Wadjet

                                                                                                                                                                   83 Nike

                                                                                                                                                                   84 Corona

Mother Mary Always grace and gratitude!

 Dear friend I love you very much!

I must say;

There is something important I need to adress right now!

Love is not only one thing, one energy, one ray.

Love is like looking up at the stars at night and you see the glimmering lights from them, the light is the reminder, but love is everything else!

So big and great is love, it is the entire space, between the stars!

You need to be reminded how great love really is!

I need to stear you into the peaceful mindset of knowing!

Looking at the stars is a good beginning!

You think love is only one thing? One energy? One ray?

Love is so much more. You can not even begin to fathom how grand it is.

But you think it is a tiny weak energy that hardly reaches to you?

Sometimes it is really hard to live on Earth, it can be very painful, and with much sorrow, and God knows about every tear you shed.

God hears your prayers and believes in you. God loves you!

Knowing love is the most important thing you can do!

Knowing and recognizing how great love is, is a mindset you choose!

And in your beloved heart there is an acceptance already, because it is the only way!

You ARE love! You are a very important piece of love, and when you embrace the fact, the sheer knowing, that love is the greatest energy, and that you belong to love, all the fears you have will leave you.

Living with fear is like living with a big gray cloud over your head, hindering the rays of the sun giving you the warmth and light that you need. But this is only temporary! For love will take away the hindering cloud, I promise you. 

But if you let me help you right now, the cloud will be gone in a heartbeat, because you will be united with yourself in your heart!

The struggle to resist what is truly you, takes energy from you. When you think negative thoughts and you feel disconnected from God, this is when you are not anchored within your beloved heart.

Thoughts can be a mind-set trap. Trust your heart completely!

Your heart has its own divine intelligence of gratitude! Your heart already knows, and is waiting for you to come back. 

Living your life with grace, opens the door to your heart and you will even feel the wings of peace sourround you, keeping you safe always, just be you, be love!

I love you

Mother Mary