Thursday 25 May 2023

Archangel Michael Hold on! Love conquers all!

Never for one second doubt love!


I am Michael and you know me!

The energies that is now is making you almost bounce.

And the bouncing goes bothways. 

It can either make you feel low and like you can´t focus and you 

can´t feel in your normal good way.

Or it can make you feel very high and intense and as if everything is just sunshine in your life, as if you have no grip to the ground.

I want you to believe in love. I want you to feel your true hearts joy and at the same time being connected by being earthed.

The light beems right through you and everything. And this makes you feel in a different way to what you are used to.

You are linked-in. You are a part of a gigant chain. You are one of the links. You are feeling what the entire chain is feeling too. You are a part of many, and yet you are separate.

The more open you are, the more you can feel this.

The more open you are the more you already know about the synchronisities, as you have felt the connection for a long while, and it has become more intensified this past time.

What you have to do is to trust. You have to trust love! You have felt the connection to so many people, to earth, to animals, you are really open!

You have to have faith in love! You have to understand that love will conquer all! And that love works 24/7 and 365.

Love will balance the great chain, in wich you are a part of. The chain is really a gigant DNA strand of the universe and many lightworkers are a part of it. You are ONE in so many ways. 

You have brothers and sisters everywhere! You are connected to a great light-chain that is a movement! It is never still! It is highly alive! And it is made of love! And love will heal whatever needs healing! Always! Always! Always!

So. Just relax! And use your heart-intelligence. And there you truly know what it´s truly about. 

Yes. Your thoughts can be too negative, as you live in society and constellations of families or neighborhoods that are still much in 3D.

Use your hearts intelligence, where your true knowing resides in.

I know you can! Love will lift you up!

You are a blessing to Earth!

I love you,
