Friday 2 September 2022

Goddess Nike The Flame of Peace

I am Nike, some say I am a goddess, and if so, all feminine beings are the same, we are just unique and good at different things.

But there is one thing that we all carry, and that is the flame of peace. And it is all about the will, our own choice what we really feel matters.

So what is important to you?

What matters to you?

Do you realize that you hold the flame of peace in your hand?

The flame of peace is a living energy, it is a spirit! It is a free spirit that is a lover of truth and harmony of the heart.

And you have it! You actually carry this sacred energy with you at all times!

But many of you do not realize this! You can feel this energy in the palm of your hand, when you love your hands from your beloved heart.

Breath love, in and out, and love all of you. Focus on your hands, on your palms, and then you feel it!

This energy IS YOU. And when you are aware of the love that IS you, you can pay it forward.

Begin by putting your hands on yourself, on your own body. Feel the energy flow. This is peace! This is love! 

You carry this torch of peace and it has your own signum, that is your hearts ambition, your creation, your voice.

Olympia. The sign of peace is when you are willing to carry this flame of peace, and make sure it never dies. It is a sign of faith, it is a sign of trust in the higher godness, and that you pass on your healing energy to a friend that do the same, for the sake of all good.

In this way there will be peace everywhere, there will be a good life for everyone, because sharing is the most essential of all.

So I say to you, have faith in yourself and you can be sure that you will pass faith on and you will help create a better and more loving world and this is the greatest prize and all will be the winners!

I love you


Archangel Uriel A glance through the keyhole!

I am archangel Uriel and a long time ago I was called another name.

People for eons of millenia ago called me Ur.

I am very old and I represent the bear collective, Ursus. 

The bears are very old souls as a collective group and we deal with different challenges and missions through out the Universe.

My writer and channeler Kerstin is a living voice for us because she can tap into us and feel our words and feelings.

Right now there is also a turmoil for the bears on Earth, they have smaller space to move on, to live on. Bears have territories and they move with the sun around this land as soon as they get out of their wintersleep. 

Humans make more and more room for themselves and the bears and also other wild animals are forced to live in new areas almost daily. Some bears are so depressed that they want to commit suicide.

What humans lack is understanding and gratefulness. We could live side by side if there was knowledge about us, the Ursus Community says.

But what worries us more is that you as humans also feel depressed because you do not live according to the true heartbeat of Gaia, then it is almost impossible to feel okay.

So we as the Ursus Community want to underline the importance of knowledge of the Animal Kingdom, and of course also about the Plant and Mineral Kingdom.

Please listen to her, your beloved Mother Earth! She is also our Mother! We think she is holy, we feel that she is the most important thing for us! Everything starts with her, and ends with her, so she can never be un-important, that is impossible!

She must be number one on your priority list, always! This is the only way to feel good, to be able to thrive on this planet!

You are born into a human "suit" and even if you would fly off to another planet, to escape her, you would not escape the fact that your human body and spirit belongs here, where you are born. 

So do not escape, it is impossible to make another planet your homeplanet as you hold Mother Earth as home in your DNA as well as heart. Make a positive move right now and love her, give her full acknowledgement now, and I really mean right now!

Love your Mother Planet, love Earth and you can start the journey of learning about yourself and how to really live a good life here.

Every step matters, every breath matters, every heartbeat matters and we the Ursus Communty follow you and we know about all your steps, your breaths and heartbeats, as we are one.

We know about your life and we know when you laugh and we know when you cry. You are certainly not alone.

We are not only brown or black furred bears, we are wisdomkeepers. And we know that only love will heal all your wounds.

So first; Start by loving and accepting yourself!

And then second: there we are, waiting for you to take that enlightened step to embrace yourself. 

We look forward to live in a positive co-existance on our mutual Mother Earth as we are one and we need each other.

Blessings to you from,

Uriel and the Ursus Community

PS. We have taken a little glance through the keyhole of the future and we see a miraculous change and we love you very much! DS.

(This is a channeling with Archangel Uriel and the Ursus Community 2022-09-02, through Kerstin Eriksson on her blog ).

Wednesday 31 August 2022

Archangel Michael You are magic!

I am Michael and I love you!

I have many collegues and we work for peace and love on Earth.

When you evolve and ascend it means that you realize that love is forever and all that happens that is not of the ray of love, will end sooner or later.

The ascending is not a ladder for you to climb up on to reach heaven, it is more a connection that really holds no matter how much it storms around you.

Imagine that you are a tree! 

If you are a tree you are first living in the roots and slowly moving upwards. Then when you have worked a path through the trunk and "come up" you realize that you now also live in the crown of the tree, in every branch, and in every leaf. 

And a little later you realize that every little root is just as important. Without the roots, you get no or little connection. The roots represent that you can never forget who you are, where you came from and all the work you have done to work your way throught all the fears and hindrens.

The crown of the tree represents all your guides. That are from the Animal Kingdom, Plant Kingdom and Mineral Kingdom. It also represents your universal ancestry, as well as the connection to Mother Earth with all her different souls that holds an immense wisdom as the elves, trolls, and more.

Some of you think ascension means escaping the job you came to do as a Lightworker. 

It is really the other way around! It means that now you really understand the symmetry of everything and how everything interact with each other.

You realize that you exist in 12 places at the same time. And that you have 12 different homes in the entire universe. It is big, really big to fathom this miracle.

But it is not so important to dive into it at first, because it just is! 

The most important thing that you always must do is loving your feet right now, and loving every little step you take because not one single step is unimportant. 

Being grounded like a tree with your roots deep down in the soil is always essential for your true higher connection. Otherwise you might begin to hover around and you are not really aligned with your task as a Lightworker.

Being assigned to a duty as a Lightworker means that you understand her, your Mother Earth and you can relate to her as a soul, just as you yourself is a soul.

It is hard to live on Earth with all that happens that is not of the highest good and gratitude, but turning a blind eye to it is not the way of a Lightworker. 

You are a soul that came to do your kind of magic on Earth and this means that even if it is difficult to assimilate into the reality of life on your planet, you are a positive inventor and you can turn every negative situation around into something very wonderful, and this kind of Lightworker are YOU, I know!

So please have faith in yourself and know that you indeed are love and when you are not afraid to show your true colors it really will be a kind of magic.

I love you


Pegasus A day to celebrate!

 I am Pegasus and I am very old. I have a tribe, a big family and we flow in the energy of love.

We see you as little lanterns in the dark. Each and everyone of you have an unique light. 

The day has come to celebrate a major step for human kind.

A step towards love as an energy that will be forever living on Earth.

Some of you have taken special lessons in life and now you have gone the full circle and are back in the warmth of love, you are back where you belong, in our tribe.

When someone has done a magnificent achivement we always dance in joy, and we pay a tribute to each and everyone as a thanks for the hard work that has been put into every single step.

We see peace coming on Earth and we now know that due to all your gathered effort it will be possible even earlier.

We have gone through difficult times in our own development and now we seek peace and encompassing love at every heartbeat everything else is a detour.

Many times you have doubted yourself and the actual meaning of your hard work. You have been so far away from the energy of love that you had forgotten about it, that it is natural, and that you have it inside always.

This kind of amnesia means that your work have been very hard indeed. And it is with even more joy that we welcome you home to your true tribe, my tribe.

I love you very much,
