Tuesday 21 June 2022

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I am so grateful if you like my blog with messages from different souls of the universe.

I have been the single mother with 3 children, I am now the old woman with a handicap.

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Kerstin Eriksson

Monday 20 June 2022

Archangel Uriel The way of love!

I am archangel Uriel and I will talk about the way of love!

Love is the greatest force there is.

Nothing can stop love.

Many attempts have been made, are tried to stop love, but these attempts always fail.

Some want to control you.

They use fear to control you.

Fear blocks love.

Fear blocks love for a while. 

Try and stop a hurricane.

Try and stop the sun from rising.

Try and stop love.

No it is impossible. 

Have faith in love. 

Love has faith in you.

Love knows you outside and in.

Love knows when you are afraid.

Love waits for you, to let go of your fears.

Love know everything...

Please be patient with yourself if you are afraid.

Like mist will rise in the morning and the sun will warm up the air and shine from a blue sky. 

Let your worries go, let go of your fears,

have faith in love and feel your true joy.

Love is waiting for you...!

I love you,


Mother Mary The song of life!

I am mother Mary and I love you dearly.

You know I am very old but there is something that is timeless and that is love.

Within love there is expression of passion of whatever you love in your heart.

I know you, everyone of you, and I see your passion, I see your colors and I see your light.

To me it is the most beautiful work of art, to be able to observe you and what you hold close to your heart.

When or if you feel constrained, closed in, locked in or lack your personal feeling of freedom, I have an advice to you.

Sing it out!

Your song!

You have a personal unique voice, that no one else has.

You have your very own way of expressing yourself and, 

you should do that!

It is your birthright! To use your own voice! 

The creators gave you vocal cords, they gave you a tongue.

I would like to hear your song of life, I would love to hear what passion you hold in your heart.

What is important to you?

Speak up, let your voice be heard, the creators also gave you ears to listen with.

Do not be afraid to sing your song, do not be shy, sing from the bottom of your deep love, from your beloved heart, nothing can be more right!

I love you so much,

Mother Mary