Saturday 5 March 2022

Archangel Faith Embracing Love!

I am archangel Faith. I love you very much.

I once told you about the waves that would sweap over the world, and also that the stone that was thrown into the water was the last one.

The only straight way to go through everything is by choosing and embracing love.

How can you make peace by picking up and using a weapon?

What kind of peace do you want to have?

There are different kinds of peace!

One kind of peace is created with talks, sitting down in a circle and letting the fire of peace burn. And no one will leave the circle until everything is settled in a good way.

Another kind of peace is when you use guns. Then you will have another kind of peace. The one with the biggest gun usually win.

You all have a mouth and a tounge to talk with. Use this instead.

You all should have a "speakers corner" in all town´s so everyone can express their opinion.

And even so defense, is another story.

A mother always have the right to protect her children. Always. 

I am talking about the agressor, the one that starts. If everyone that are agressors, starters of violence, could sit down instead and talk then you would have a peaceful world, and it will be so, eventually.

And why not start in school, by letting all children sit in a peaceful circle and saying what is on their heart´s, the future will be more caring and loving so.

If you listen to the children from the beginning, no one will be the agressor in the future because everyone will be listened to and letting everything out in the free air is therapeutic and will not accumulate and grow. Sorting things out in an early stage is vital.

I love you

Archangel Faith