Monday 5 October 2020

Mother Mary; Special guest beloved Annelies Marie Frank.

Now I am safe, and I have been for a long time, some know me as Anne, and that is okay! 

Now more than ever I must say gratitude is the most important thing ever.

No one can really predict life, how it is going to work out, or what´s going to happen. 

No one can, not even the most superb fortune teller. 

But we did go through a very big wave; a holocaust.

Eventhough we have learned very much through this experience, I do not wish this for anyone.

And what went wrong? 

Too many were quiet for too long, and then it was too late, too late to stop.

Today and forever I cherish my life, I am grateful for every breath that I take.

I even love each breath that I take, and that it elevates me to seventh heaven over and over again.

Today I know that love conquers all;

so if you need, don´t hesitate to speak up and say your truth!

I love you

Anne Frank

Lady Venus; Love solves everything!

My dear friend I am Lady Venus, I love you and I know you more than you know.

For centuries we have awaited this moment. So many of you have worked very hard for coming to this moment in time.

And what am I talking about?

From now on, there won´t be the same steep hill to climb.

And how do I mean?

The energies have shifted to your benefit. You have had a lot of patience over the years, and you have worked diligently, knowing that you have worked for a better future for all.

Now the energies are as such; All the effort you all have put down, in developing yourselves, raizing your awareness, have finally payed off; and now there is a time to still be on guard of course, but there is no steep hill to climb just now, there is a flat plane, a blooming meadow.

The energies of Mother Earth are more safe and certain than ever and she knows about all of your struggles in the past time, she really know all of you and what you have done for her.

She loves you all and she knows all of you.

I am the Mother of Mother Earth, I am your grandmother, and I love you very much, I just needed to say to you; please take time to embrace yourself and lay down in the beautiful meadow for a while, take your time and relax, don´t worry, 

You have worked very hard and now you absolutely deserve a little rest to also restore yourself. 

There is night and there is day, time to be resting and time to be active, and the thing is to get the perfect balance, in that way you will gain the maximun energy, to start on new projects.

I love you,

Lady Venus