Thursday 18 June 2020

Archangel Gabriel; Solstice!

I am Archangel Gabriel and today I would like to talk about your sun!

The sun gives all the life to earth and now in just some hours there is a solstice.

In the northern parts of Earth this is the longest day of the whole year.

Maximum light from the sun on one day, gives you special opportunities to ponder and meditate over what you think is important for you! All the things that are important to you are enlightened matter and you can feel that it is easier to follow through on what your hearts intent are for the following months!

This point now, today when there are a lot of light, you can see what you have "harvested" through out the previous period of the year.

You planted the seeds, at the winter solstice and you have nurtured and watered your seeds with patience and love. Now that you can see what they have become, you can prune them a little, or harvest them as they have become fruits that are ripe. Now you can take the seeds from the fruits, and plant them if you like. This is how you can use the sun for your inner garden. Where you let your dreams grow!

In ancient days this day was very important, all along with the other solstices and eqinoxes.

Why do you think it was important for humans thousands of years ago?

Because light matters!

The sun that gives the light and warmth to earth has always been of the very most importance to all civilisations on earth.

The sun makes things stand out, it makes things obvious!

The sun gives great perspective on things too!

The sun gives you an opportunity to be grateful over your life here on earth!

Light is an important matter, more important than you can ever know!

The light are photons and they go through everything carrying their energy with them.

The light contains information! Knowledge! And your planet has antennas that are receivers of this energy.

First of all you yourself are a receivers, your bodies! But what many of you do not know is that the trees are also receivers of this information!

The trees of your planet holds very important information that comes from the sun, on a daily basis.

An old tree hold an immensely big information about your planet and about the solar system.

The beings of earth needs the trees, and they can tap into the trees and read the information!

There are more containers of this information, and I will talk about this another time and until then I will say to you that I love you very much and I will see you soon!

/Archangel Gabriel

(This is a channeling with Archangel Gabriel through me, Kerstin Eriksson)

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Archangel Michael; I and Pegasus!

My dearest friends, I am Archangel Michael, I love you deeply!

I am here to say to you, please do not be afraid to ask for me and my presence.

I would like to offer you my freedom and my sense of peace!

My best friend is Pegasus and he is my own saviour.

When I myself is in some kind of trouble he is my bridge to love, my help and aid to healing!

We all need a really good friend!

And I stand before you saying; here I am!

I am also the guardian of the guardian angels that you all have!

You are supervised at all times, yes indeed!

I know you all, I love you all and please ask for me and I will be at your assistance!

/Archangel Michael

Mother Mary; Patience!

I am Mother Mary and I love you very much!
Today I would like to give you a tool!
Sometimes in life on Earth you think "what can I do about this"!?

In life on Earth there is usually quite a few questions,  sometimes almost like riddles and you wonder what you can do about it.

If you asked a very wise person they would answer you and say; give it some time!
You will find your answer, in time, or even when the time is right.

The tool that I would like to give you is; patience!

Patience is the most efficient tool that you can ever need!

It is very handy for you to use from time to time! It is smooth to carry and it does not weigh anything.

It does not take up much space either!

And the best is you don´t have to order it from tv-shop either, there is no delivery time, and it is free of charge!

Now you think, is this really Mother Mary saying this stuff? Has she gone mad or something similar to that ?

Well, dear I know what world you live in. I know how it works for you. And what I talk about is that no matter what you go through in your life, I am here, right by your side.

I pray for you every day. I light candles for you each day!

I love you and I love to give you good advice in times of need.

Please have faith in me,

Mother Mary