Saturday 16 March 2019

Do you need...?

How are you doing?
Do you need Metatron Healing?

This lovely Archangel let me know not for the first time but for the third time that I now can offer whoever needs it: Metatron Healing!

Just let me know! It is distance healing!! (Mostly)!

Do you need a psychic reading?

Just let me know!

Love and light
Kerstin Eriksson

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Archangel Michael; Algorithm for love!

Hello dear beautiful friend, I love you!
I am archangel Michael and I serve you!

My work is partly about opening your eyes and hearts, and today I would like to talk about
the algorithm for love!
I have talked about if before, many times, and I will not stop until you understand fully,
how important this is!

Love is the only energy that lasts forever!

So when you invest in love, it is a very good deal for you!
All other roads are longer, the represent other qualities, some may be pretty nice,
but they will not last, for so very long.

Has anyone told you that walking on the path of love, is an easy walk?
Because it is not!

You will have many obstacles, bumps in your road.
And why is this?

The love energy is the strongest energy in the universe, and yet it moves slowly,
and you have to be patient, very patient, with your footsteps.
Each and every one of your footsteps, are truly precious.

Do you know why Jesus used to wash the feet of his disciples?

Think for a while!
Was it just only because their feet were dirty?

No not only because of that!
It was clearly about something much bigger!

By taking good and loving care about his best friends feet,
he showed them, love!

And by showing them that he himself was not any better, than them,
or he could have had someone else do the washing.

No he wanted and needed to be close to every step of their way, at all times,
he wanted to show them there are no separation.

Love is all there is, and it lasts forever!

So by planting these seeds, that lasts forever,
they have now grown for a long time, and are big beautiful trees, with very old souls.
And they still remember, him, his hands on their feet!

They can still remember the love that is forever!
And most important they can feel his love right now!
So it is time for you to awaken to love, the slow true love,
and choose whos feet you yourself are going to wash, it is your time now!

I love you
Archangel Michael