Thursday 7 June 2018

Archangel Michael; Blessed be!

I am archangel Michael,
and I love you!
I have been around for eons of lifetimes on this planet
and I know something for sure!
We all take steps!
Each day we all take different kinds of steps!
Maybe we walk with our feet but I also think about
all other steps we take.
All of humanity is moving forward!
Sometimes you think, when will all wake up?!
And you think it will take a long time?
Well, maybe it will take a long time according to how you measure time.
But I see, very clearly how you all take the right steps, more and more, each day!
Actually it is all working according to the plan, the very BIG PLAN!
Yes! There is a big plan for you, for the humanity!
And you are moving in the right direction, just as planned.
We are all waiting for humanity to embrace love, the love factor!
We are all waiting for you all, to walk the walk of peace!
Meanwhile, before everyone has awakened, you and we have a lot to do!
And you already are well aware of this of course!
No one sits still just waiting...!
There is a lot of work! And you know that as well!
The most important steps you take, are the ones that you take with love and peace!
The most cherished steps that you take are those that you love to take,
those that you can fully embrace!
Then, you show the way to others, that will understand the meaning of LIFE!
The most important thing is that you find your joy, walk your steps, all your different steps in your life, and that you follow your heart and believe in your dreams!
You are very old, and you have lived here on this planet many times, and in some lives you have been  scared. In some lives that you lived you have met big resistance, and you are afraid that it will happen again in this life!?
By being YOU, and in the knowing that you ARE,  is the most important step of all!
Remain in your beautiful energy!
Hold the light, hold the love!
Be in your own energy field, you don’t really have to do a single thing!
When you feel the sacred energy of love, and in the knowing of being here and now, you
will enter a new dimension, where action is not necessary!
It is optional, yet the most important thing is to hold, the knowing of love and peace within of you!
That is the most important step of all!
You become a beacon of love and peace, without even saying a single word!
Open the door to your new life, go where you love to go, do what you love to do!
And just by being you, maybe enjoying nature, hugging a tree, smelling the flowers, water, wind, sun and moon and the glittering stars in the night sky!
As you enter the higher dimensions, the fifth and more, you will be able to see more and more aura colors of Mother Earth! She is welcoming you and she and you will be closer than ever!
She is willing to share important messages about herbs, and healing plants as soon as you are in contact with her! As well as other important messages about her geological status.
The ascension is all about knowing Mother, your Mother Earth, the pillar of contact works all around, as well as upp and down and into earth, it is all about love!
Mother Earths love will be apparent for you as you get to know her more and more!
Heaven and earth will be integrated sooner than you know!
So dear beloved friends, you are blessed, and your steps are as well!
I love you,
Archangel Michael


Sunday 3 June 2018

Healing places, our Mother Earth loves us!