Wednesday 4 April 2018

Archangel Gabriel; The twin places are being healed!

I am Gabriel, I am an archangel!
I am a servant of God and he is my shepherd.
I help God in different ways. My main work consists of
aiding faith to remain on earth.

Faith is an universal energy, that always works in the constellation with Hope and Love. It is a holy trinity. On earth, I am like the shepherd that is working with Faith, Hope and Love, and I am constantly checking how Faith Trinity are doing. 

I follow Faith everywhere. There needs to be balance, in the trinity. When Faith, Hope and Love come to earth there is perfect balance. And as soon as it lands, the balance are interrupted. 

A large ground crew are working on healing this imbalance. All places on earth that has been under pressure, caused by criminal activity, spreading sorrow, pain, and more are now being healed at this moment. 

Your planet has a delicate nervous system, and everything is connected. So by healing each point, opens up for joy and happiness all around her, your mother Earth. 

All places on earth has a twin place. That is why this ground crew are so important. Each point that is being healed, will affect also its twin place. And that place can be situated anywhere on the planet. So this healing that now is taking place will open upp for more harmony and joy. 

Actually this team has been doing this for some years now. And a few of them have done it for decades. Every little spot on your beloved Mother, is important. 

As soon as you love a place, cherish the ground, it will aid the twin place. And this helps the holy Trinity. 

Faith will be restored, just as well as Hope and Love, it will be balance, and through the balance comes joy, great joy! 

So when you love each step you take, and each place you visit, you become a part of this great ground team, that works with this at all times.
I love you
Archangel Gabriel

Monday 2 April 2018

Pegasus; I love you!

I am Pegasus
I live in the etheric realm.
I also live in your dimension!
There are really no barriers
only those than you think, are there.
Yes, the sky is the limit!
Hold your horses you might think now,
am I not exaggerating a little bit?
No, not really!
You have been taught that there are limits, everywhere.
You have even been shown the limits and fences.
So you have fallen for it, and you have fallen pretty hard,
down, into amnesia.
Each and every human is a great masterpiece of creation.
You are unique and have also individual mastery
that goes beyond all imagination!
But almost all of you have forgotten this in your fall into
the haze of the illusion, that is obligatory on your planet.
I could talk for eons of hours about the haze, that your planet holds.
It is not your Mother Earths of course, it belongs to those people that hold the control stick,
they who think they are in charge of you all.
They are in fact in charge of the illusion, the manmade haze, that you hold. And nothing else.
The sooner you let go, of the illusion that you can do no change no matter your effort,
the sooner the control stick ceases to exist.
It is time you hold your own now!
I mean being in charge of your actions, and believing in them!
Every step that you take counts, every step that you take is precious.
Please let it be in the direction of faith, hope and love, that all light workers, should go, bringing their great knowledge and spreading it all around!
I know you can do it because I know all of you!
I know everyone of you, and I know of your individual skills as lightworkers!
When you have reached a certain level of knowledge you are not meant to be quiet any more!
Your guides, always let you know when it is time to move forward and upwards!
And the sky really is the limit!
I love you