Thursday 2 March 2017

Archangel Michael; Dear beloveds, there is no time!

I am archangel Michael, and I serve and protect you,
and today I will talk about a subject I know some of you, dear light workers, are conscious about, and you sometimes dwell over what it means. There is no time! What ever your clock shows, you are already in the eternity! Yes of course, you have appointments that you have to go to, and want to go to, and you therefore observe the time, you watch your schedule, and you follow it of course, that is just natural, because, that is the way you do it on most places on your planet. The thing is that you might have sensed the feelings concerning time, and the feeling that there is no time. Well you are right dear beloved.  As there actually is no time, as you are used to look upon time, and that you also have been used to for your entire lives, this is something that I will teach you about. When you feel these feelings, like a sort of void, or maybe like endlessness, and maybe a kind of sense of a stillness, that is the first feelings that come to you! Then you will find out, that there are no stillness, there are much movement, and a very joyful life, in this new concept of no time. This is a reality for you who are plunging into the fifth dimension and the vibrations that it has. Just relax, you will get used to it. It is actually all about switching over to another reality, another dimension, and another way to live consciously. This new sense of timelessness, and feeling the new dimension, the new life, is a process every living being is going through. But not all know about it or should I say feel it. Some will know about it in their next life here on this planet. They are not ready yet. The past years, has been about letting go of the old. It has also been about making a path into the new dimension. It has been much like tidying a room. It is nicer to bring a guest into a clean room, and yet this guest is here to stay. This is your new life, and the more you live in the precent, the more you will find, that the way to walk, and the direction that you choose in your heart, will be enlightened, more and more, and you will fill your life with a loving heartfelt devoted tranquility, and you will feel that you are a loved for who you are, and that you are welcome to the fifth dimension!