Let´s go together!

Yes! Let´s go together!
Whenever you think you are alone
all you need is your own Faith
and as soon as you find Faith
you immediately FEEL in your
heart that you are indeed not alone!
We´ll walk with you through rain and sunshine
we walk with you wherever you walk
in deep valleys or on high mountains.
Knowing Faith, is like being connected.
You have to be "plugged-IN."
Yes it is as easy as that!
Faith is an life essential energy, like a wavelength.
Faith is a foundationstone to life itself.
And living without Faith is like living without an important
part of yourself.
And yet Faith is always there with you
and Faith always loves you, and Faith always waits for you!

Friday 9 January 2015

AA Faith ”You are a treasure of life!"

 Lady Faith - Archangel,

"You know me. I know you. Why do I say so?!
Without each other we would be no one.
And how do I mean?!
I will start by saying this;
I LOVE YOU, every minute, every breath you take...!
I am always there with you, wanting to hold your hand.
And without you knowing it, you always carry a seed in your heart.
A seed of Faith, of me!
Through endless time, it still comes down to
And through every breath, every sunrise I beleive in you, love you
wanting and praying for you
to reach out, for my hand is waiting to hold yours!
And if your life is a struggle, with no beautiful sunrises...
You can be sure of that 
I see you. I feel you in every heartbeat.
Trust me. I know you.
The further apart you think we are...
...the closer I am to you.
I know every time you blink with your eyelids...!
No matter how dark it is, where you are
you still sparkle with light
you are a treasure of life
Beleive in yourself, have faith.
I am always there with you
willing to hold your hand!"



Sunday 4 January 2015

Urgent message; LOVE is on the way!

It´s all a glance away...!
The long winter is soon over...
A warm breeze of spring is not far away!
The sun wants to warm you gently.
You have been thirsty for a long time
and now you are ready to drink the cup of love!
It is a renaissance and all is welcome!
Including polar shifts and more.
Mother Earth is also welcome!
As we all are ONE
we need each other
gracefully and lovingly
we are in this together.
War must end
as the will is in the hearts.
The will to be free
starts in the heart.
The choice to live in PEACE
starts in your heart.
A shift in HEARTS
from war and hate