Wednesday 2 July 2014

Everything is!

What do you think?
How about a journey to learn to reveal love?!
And so you walk about, in your life
looking to the left, looking to the right
and you look up and you look down
and your feet move, step by step
through endless landscape 
and after a while you begin to wonder
what is the meaning of it all...just keep on walking?
Then and there, in that moment there is something I
would like to say to you, dear sweet child!
Now your heart want to be nurished! It is time for LOVE!
You have seen the road. Now it is time to see what is beside your road...!
Maybe you should take of your shoes for a while, sit down in the green
grass that grows on both sides of your road...! 
There grows flowers in different colors...they have grown there 
all the time. But you haven´t noticed them...have you?!
God is waiting for you already sitting and waiting for you to join in
the green grass! God want to listen to you, hear you!
God wants to hold your hand!
You are so loved, says God! 
And you have always been...!
Welcome to God, 
God is always in your heart

waiting for you in the green grass...!