Tuesday 13 May 2014

AA Michael; Mamma MIA! And then there is you heart song...!

Mamma Mia!
Ok, let´s just say, what´s next?
What road will you walk on?!
And the answer is of course...
...the road you choose.
And let´s just say, 
how can I find my road, you might ask.
(Well right now I just can´t see it?)
That´s it!
It has been there all the time. Yet in darkness without the lights on.
Now the lanternas of your road are lightened.
Then there is also your heartsong.
Yes you have a song in your heart.
That is your unique tune and beat!
An inprint of your soul! Then you have soulsong!
As you heal yourself, tune in to your self! The more you are
HERE and NOW - a dimension of heaven -
the more you can hear your own heartsong!
And the more you are at peace within
the more you sense your soulsong
that is quite similar to your heartsong.
Take your time
Don´t hurry!
Don´t worry!
Be happy!
It is YOUR journey,
your liferythm
your path to walk
open up to joy of life

                                                                            /A A Michael

                                                            Thank you, borrowed from Google

Fire, you are light!

Fire! You are light!

”In your being there is fire. It is a part of you! Fire is an element, as wind, earth and water. Within you there is a combination of these elements! Of course! They are all a necessity to life itself! They are equally important! Don´t you beleive anything else…! So what about fire?! You might wonder! That is your engine. The engine where is it? It is situated in your whole body! Wow how is that possible, you might wonder? In your cells. Each cell have a unit within each and everyone – a little engine that gives the spark. And they are in constant contact with your heart, that gives them the pulse, a beat, a natural rythm. And they also are in contact with all of your major chakras. A constant cooperation, pulse, fire, egnition – LOVE!

You are light! Like a candle. The root chakra – earth - is very important here to all your cells! Your electrical -fire -system needs to be grounded. As you walk on earth you get grounded. Especially with bare feet in grass that is green. That is a very good way to help yourself to be grounded! Sometimes we actually need to be specific about the grounding bit! Because then all of your body - the light system – all cells are being more healthy! You don´t have to be an engineer to understand this, it is common sense! In your bodies there are a constant energy exchange! That moves from top to bottom and at the same time in the opposite direction. You are both energy of your own. And also a transmitter and a giver and a taker! You receive energy from the ground, Mother Earth, that goes through you and up to the universe. And you also receive energy from the universe, through you and down in to Mother Earth, so what does this say to you my dear friend? It is good to be aware! Is it not? Don´t let this information make you sad in anyway! This is how it works, and always have!

But what is so important right now? The earth. Mother Earth! Your mother! That gives you everything each day. You drink her water. You eat her food. She provides for you. She loves you! And how does she feel? Today!?! What do you think? You are walking on her! Feeling her! Touching her! The treatment of her – how you choose to treat Mother Earth – is the energy that flows through you…every breath you take! How do you treat her? How do you treat yourselves? The more love and respect you treat her with, the more will get back to you. It is an investment of LIFE! We who live far out from your planet, feel you. We feel how the energy goes through Earth and then through you also! We know – she – your mother- is in need. She is in need for love, respect, peace and healing. The energy that you are sending out, like a beacon from you and your beloved Mother Earth is sad. It makes us sad too.

We want to help you! We love you! We have always loved you! We are family! But we can not help you til enough people want help – in their hearts! It is the law of the free will! An omnirule. A rule and law of the universe. Not even God have the right to bend that law. You have a choise. No matter how small it may seem. You are all light. But most of you do not know it! Many live in fear. In the dark – not knowing – they already are a part of the life light! You are all candles! May you all let your light shine bright! Know in your hearts, how important you are! Know that you are unique, and so loved!

From where we are – the more light we see – the more YES it means, that we are welcome to aid you, dear beloved ones!”

Project; LoveIS


there is a project.

I want to help. Women and children. The project name is LoveIS.

I started the project at the samt time as I wrote a book. And Godinj (God) gave me the words about women. A love declaration to all women and mother earth.

It is all about the BALANCE...
...and there is no balance between female and male energy on earth today.

Pleace you are so welcome to share ideas, material, or a penny! For a better world for us all, where women and children and men also of course! It is time for balance now. Love and peace!

Archangel URIEL meditation: Circle of LIFE

The angels loves us! They want us to feel good! Archangel Uriel, came and gave me this lovely meditation! Thank you Uriel I love you! (A little advice, turn of all electronics, sit or lay down - be comfortable, relax and then you are ready to start!)

Meditation with Uriel, Circle of Life!
If you see life as a circle, a flow, a flow that is shaped like a circle, you'll see what I mean!
Your life has just started, and you are born into a world of light and color! You breathe with new breaths and your life smiles, you take your first steps! Affectionate hands are leading you gently forward in life! You grow! You mature!
You see sunrises and sunsets! You see the rain falling in the sun! You see the glitter in every drop of rain! You hear a bird sing!
You go barefoot in the grass and hear a bumblebee buzzing next to a pink flower and you can smell its scent!
You walk on a beach and  you look at the stones, shells and you'll find a piece of driftwood formed soft and smooth by millions of waves! Can you hear the waves?!
You breathe, the air is clear, clean and fill you and you are happy! The air is so loving, the air loves You! Breathe!
You've grown up! And you walk with your heart's partner through a green forest! Up on a cliff with views high above the treetops! You and your beloved sits down and you look at a sunrise together! You hold hands! You breathe in love! Maybe you see colors!
You walk back again and go into the green woods and where you hear the sound of a creek! Arriving at the creek, you feel that you are thirsty and you drink of the brook and let it quench your thirst!
The sun has risen and the light warms!
A white light is surrounding you! It is God's light!
The light of love!
Time stands still!
No worries, no banking, no bills! No disease, no war, no hunger, no stress ...
JUST LOVE of God's white light!
Here you will meet loved ones, a meeting room in eternity! The joy is big, very big! You are always safe and loved in God's white light! And now life's circle is closed! You breathe in the white light! The light of love!

Life is love! How?

Life is love...

...how you might wonder?

Life is a design, to make you learn about love. Why?

Why is that important?

Love is the strongest energy in universe.

Everything comes from love.

Love - created everything - LIFE

You are made of love and light

Your body, mind and soul = love + light

You might wonder, why it is so much pain?

The distance between your pain and the love and light

that is YOU...that space ....is your teaching ground...space to learn in-between!

Sometimes you feel, that this space is to big.

You can´t handle it?

To much pain. And no easing of your pain?

That is resistance. That is when you GROW.

Soon you will be back ”in business” again, back in the love flow.


Because it is ALWAYS there. YOU ARE IT.

You are love and light.
Never forget it.
God bless you!

A ray of sunlight!

A ray of sunlight! 
You glow and shine, wherever you go!
You might wonder - how can that be?
It is so simple! You are the one you are! It comes from your heart! And it is endless!
Everything is one! All that you can see and things you can´t see! You are a creation of light and love!
That is why you shine like a ray of sunlight!

We are a all a flower in Gods garden!

We are all a flower in Gods garden!
God loves us all equally!
God pray for us each day!
God light the light for us every day...!
God hopes we will remember what love is and hope we will search and find it!
God knows us all, all our woories and also happy moments and everything in between...!
We always have the seeds of Faith, Hope and Love in our hearts...!

When heart speaks!

Let it take time! You do not need to hurry! Everything has a meaning! What clock do you follow? You know you have a clock of your own! That ticks and beats! That you always carry with you! That´s right! Your heart! If you want to, you can listen to the beat! A soft drum! The puls of your life! You already have the rythm within! The more you find yourself  - the nicer music you create...and soon your life is dancing...!

Love is law!

Yes my dear friend! Love is law! How do I mean?!
Of all laws that do exist, the law of love is the most important!
The heart is your guideline!
Your body is your temple!
And how do you go about it!?!
Just trust your heart...
...it is the direct channel to heaven and God and 
the eternal wisdom - and to LOVE!
Have faith in yourself,
love yourself,
follow your heart
and beleive in your dreams.....!

Everything is...?!

                          Everything is...?!

What do you think?

How about a journey to learn to reveal love?!
And so you walk about, in your life
looking to the left, looking to the right
and you look up and you look down
and your feet move, step by step
through endless landscape 
and after a while you begin to wonder
what is the meaning of it all...just keep on walking?

Then and there, in that moment there is something I
would like to say to you, dear sweet child!

Now your heart want to be nurished! It is time for LOVE!

You have seen the road.
 Now it is time to see what is beside your road...!
Maybe you should take of your shoes for a while, sit down in the green
grass that grows on both sides of your road...! 

There grows flowers in different colors...they have grown there 
all the time. But you haven´t noticed them...have you?!

God is waiting for you already sitting and waiting for you to join in
the green grass! 

God want to listen to you, hear you!

God wants to hold your hand!

You are so loved, says God! 
And you have always been...!
Welcome to God, 
God is always in you heart
waiting for you in the green grass...!

By apologizing you create a bridge of grace!

A bridge of grace and love,

By apologizing you create a bridge of grace and love!
To say the words "I am sorry and asking for forgiveness is a lesson in love...
...and it makes you grow. 
It makes your soul grow and mature.
And what happens if your apology is not accepted?
Did you apologize for nothing?
What do you think?
Think about it for a while!
The answer my friend is that, you are blessed!
You are blessed with a seed of grace!
And this seed turns into a bridge.
A bridge of love and grace.
And, your bridge is an invite!
The bridge is there. Waiting.
Because it is a bridge of grace and love!
God bless you!